Author Topic: Show "what if" figures in betting interface showing wrong amounts?  (Read 1583 times)

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  • Posts: 28
I can't get the Show "what if" figures in the betting interface to show the correct projected profit/loss figures.

I've got one-click betting turned off so I click on a price to lay for example, then in the betting interface pop-up I adjust my bet amount and price to the amount and price I want to lay.  I think it should then show the correct projected profit or loss if my lay is matched on the main screen. The figures show incorrectly however. I've tried unticking and re-ticking the 'Show "what if" figures' box in the betting interface pop-up but the figures are still wrong (I've compared this with the "what if" figures on the main betfair site).

Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this a bug?

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Do you have the setting ticked: Show P/L net of exchange commission?
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  • Posts: 28
Yes, that is ticked.  The figures are quite considerably off so I don't thing it's anything to do with commission.

Aha - I was just about to take a screenshot when I figured what it is - If I'm laying and want accurate "what if" figures I need to ensure there's a zero in the Backing amount box (and reverse for backing).

Sorry to trouble you, it seems to be working correctly as long as I remember to put the zero in the opposite box.

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Brilliant! Thanks for this. :)
The 'what if' had me confused too - I really couldn't understand why they weren't showing correctly. Fortunately I was just using the test mode so it wasn't actually placing bets but it was really giving me a bad feel about MarketFeeder.

I think it would improve the software to leave boxes in the betting box empty or have a check box to include the default figure.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE