Author Topic: Since NEW API...slow refresh  (Read 3146 times)

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Since NEW API...slow refresh
« on: 17 Feb 2015, 15:04 »
Ever since the New API was implemented, it seems I get no more than 1 refresh every sec, which is way too slow for my triggers to fire IP.

The refresh is set to the max allowed of 0.2 refresh/s  IP. If it would get to 0.2 it would be great, but it is barely once per sec, which kills every winning strat, you are simply behind every action. And it is obvious watching the P/L graph ever since the NEW API has changed to the worst ever.

What can be done, please? It's not the triggers, they  were profitable for months/yrs, but since that NEW API was implemented, I am always on the slow lane.....

I just compared IP Horse racing refresh with an idustry major trading platform, which performs mucho mucho faster.

I appreciate MFP being slower because of all the bells and whistles that we so dearly love about this product! But a refresh of once per second just isn't good enough In Play, not for my strats anyway.

Any tips to get a better refresh result, I am going through the Malta server to a Western European country, please?

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Re: Since NEW API...slow refresh
« Reply #1 on: 17 Feb 2015, 15:11 »

Saturday boththe prerace and inplay API were an absolute nightmare, Sunday was not much better. Then yesterday InPlay was lightning fast. Today it is ok too. Must be a volume issue with betfair rather than welldone in my opinion


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Re: Since NEW API...slow refresh
« Reply #2 on: 17 Feb 2015, 17:43 »
Cheers LarpHager,

I am very well aware of the sluggish API, since it is an issue @  the community of the said 'other leading trading product' as well, but albeit in general the refresh rate is lower, it is still relatively 'acceptablespeed', response times fluctuates from 40 ms to 70 ms, which is great when BF's API is willing to cooperate

MFP almost takes a full sec to refresh.

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Re: Since NEW API...slow refresh
« Reply #3 on: 17 Feb 2015, 18:11 »
Hi my strategy is also hopeless now, ran great for over 6 years but I to agree it must be a betfair problem, I am gutted as my strategy was a winning one as well but not anymore :(

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Re: Since NEW API...slow refresh
« Reply #4 on: 17 Feb 2015, 23:09 »
Cheers COLING,
I just saw your other thread, ........Difference in performance...

I wonder if there are other people who have Horse racing IP triggers running and rely on fast refresh of 0.2/s but aren't getting it. It used to work before.


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