  • #1 by ideasman1969 on 12 Nov 2014
  • Hi

    I noticed that the latest version of MF installs by default in a new directory "MarketFeeder Pro 8"  and the old version is left in directory "MarketFeeder Pro 7"

    My question is,  can I delete the old dir with version 7 in it. Or does version 8 use some of these files?  For example I noticed in version 8 that the path to the custom sounds I had set are still being looked for in the version 7 directories.

    How should I be setting it all up nice and neatly?


    • ideasman1969
  • #2 by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 12 Nov 2014
  • Yes, you can delete that directory.
    Also you can copy profiles and triggers from 7 to 8 before deleting.
    Please note you shouldn't copy timemachine folder as the database has changed encryption algorithm.