  • #1 by no44 on 30 Jun 2017
  • do not auto-trade tennis unless the scores are the right way around, just found out the hard way so you don't have to.

    see image: 

  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 01 Jul 2017
  • Hello!

    That's interesting -- never seen this before. Thanks for reporting. We match the scores by the index of the player, both bits of information are coming from BetFair. The only reason for this confusion that I can think of is BetFair changing the order of the players in the course of the match (i.e. placing Sabalenka on top of Ahn). In that case the scores would be assigned to the wrong players. But again, I've never witnessed this behaviour before, I'll try to catch this in the future.