Author Topic: Phantom Trigger - Anyone else's triggers duplicating?  (Read 2826 times)

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I have the most random of problems. I have a Trigger which works fine, but there seems to be a phantom trigger which is placing bets. In my Triggers I only have one Trigger which I want to work (New Trigger 136261970412", however there is also another Trigger (not listed by the way) which is placing bets as well (New Trigger 13261993669).

In Test Mode it does not place bets, but when I am in Live mode it does. I am really scratching my head with this one!

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Re: Phantom Trigger - Anyone else's triggers duplicating?
« Reply #1 on: 11 Jan 2012, 15:25 »
You might have 2 instances of MFPro running - check that there isn't one minimised to the tray!!


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