Author Topic: Trigger log not giving the same information as the variable window  (Read 6119 times)

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Hi Everyone

Strange one this!

I set a user variable to log the fave tennis player at the start of a match.  It was incredibly simple, just asking the variable to record the sel_index of the fave once the match was inplay.

When I ran the trigger, the variable was only setting on a few markets, with most tennis inplay markets not recording the variable.  I put a trigger log on and got the results shown in the attached screen grab.

I was using the expression FIND("Tennis","market_parent") is greater than 1 to establish that the market was a tennis market.

As you can see from the screengrab, the variable window displays the answer to this correctly as 1, yet the trigger log returns the result as false!

What's going on?  I appreciate that there are other ways of doing what I want (and I'm currently doing it another way now), but I'm concerned that this is seemingly a large contradiction, and as I use the FIND market_parent option a lot in other triggers, I need to try and find out what's going on.

  • Élite
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this is because market_parent is the name AFTER the DATE
it is better to use market_name

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Hi Mcbee, thanks for helping.

I'm still confused I'm afraid. The view user variables window is returning a 1, yet the trigger expression says false when asked if the result greater than 0.  Those 2 things contradict each other, surely?

I'm asking mfp, does the market parent contain the word "Tennis".  The variable window says it does (it gives a result of 1 as seen in the screengrab), but when I put the same equation into the trigger it returns an answer of False (it says the result is not greater than 0, where as the variable window shows that it is greater than 0)

How can the variable return a 1, yet the answer to the question is the variable greater than 0 be false? 

I use the view variable window to check the syntax of my equations, and if it returns different answers when the equation is put into a trigger that creates a bit of a headache.

  • Élite
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i just did a quick test trigger and my results were ok, using live markets.
i set a variable to record the value and set a condition
please try a new profile from the login screen.

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  • Élite
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did some more testing and it seems that d'italia market name has the problem.
am doing more tests, but it looks like a betfair problem

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  • Élite
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i have found the error.
in the  d'Italia 2016 markets betfiar has added a space before the Tennis
in other markets there is no space before Tennis.
so if you have 2 conditions
or trigger expression FIND("Tennis","market_parent") is greater than 0
or trigger expression FIND(" Tennis","market_parent") is greater than 0

one with the space and one without the space.

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Hi Mcbee

Thanks so much for taking time to investigate this one.  I've looked at the d'Italia markets that are up currently, but I'm not sure that the problem you found answers my problem.

I've included a stripped down trigger that sets a variable called tennisfave if the market is a tennis market.  I've also included a new version of the screen grab with the confusing elements circled.

circle 1 shows that the variable window states that the result of FIND("Tennis","market_parent") is 1

circle 2 shows that in the trigger log for that market the result of the query to FIND("Tennis","market_parent") is greater than 0 is False.

Surely those 2 things contradict each other?  If the variable is returning a 1, how can the answer to the question is it greater than 0 be false!

The space discrepancy that you found before the word Tennis wouldn't create the disparity above I don't think, as what I'm confused by is why the variable window and the trigger log are displaying different results to the same question.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
in the variable screen if you use the formula with and without the space, you will see the different results in the different markets.
i can see what you mean, but i can only find a workaround for problem/error's.
it is the same as if you try and use selections name with sel_name , they do not match because one is exact name and the other is a compressed name.
a trigger can work with markets load from soccer - todays fixtures BUT will not work if the markets are loaded from soccer, betfair types the names and codes different even though they are both soccer.
with your triggers
just add a new block to each and copy the condition find , paste it in the new block and add a new condition OR then add the space in front of the tennis, then delete the condition from where you copied it.

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  • Élite
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here is the trigger
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I understand what you're saying, but the vital thing as far as I'm concerned is that mfp is contradicting itself, irrespective of what the API info it is getting from Betfair.

If the variable window says that the answer to an equation is 1, yet the trigger logic says that the answer to the same question is not greater than 0, then that to me is a pretty fundamental problem with the logic in the software somewhere.

I can easily, as you have, find a workaround to individual problems as I discover them, but if there is an underlying problem with the software logic then how do I know what other trigger expressions don't parse as they should. 

I should probably raise this with Oxa, don't you think?

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
I've had a quick look at this and confirm a similar problem to what you have identified armarni. I tried another tennis market not d'Italia.
I turned on log trigger expressions to see what the trigger is coming up with. It should be TRUE, but the trigger says FALSE.
In the screenshot I've included the trigger log and view variables.
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Hi Mark

Glad I'm not going mad, and that you've been able to recreate the issue.  Hopefully Oxa will happen across this thread over the next few days and could maybe throw some light on what's going on. 

I know that the instance I've come across in itself isn't that alarming as there are many workarounds, but what I worry about is that if it can happen with this equation, what other ones also return conflicting results.

Assuming it is an issue, it's potentially quite a critical one, as it looks like the triggers are not parsing some equations correctly at some level. 

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FIND returns the starting position of the string you are looking for in the variable, and I have seen inconsistencies with market_parent. I tried mcbee's suggestion of adding a space before Tennis, i.e. " Tennis", and even "ennis" etc. but it still came out FALSE "ennis" should return 2, which it does in viewer, but not in the trigger log.

No problems with FIND in market_name. I use it every day perfectly.

I've messaged Oxa with a reference to this topic.
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  • Posts: 3649
Hi armarni
Another possible workaround here for you:
selections trigger expression FIND("Tenni","market_parent") is greater than 0

the above works, where this one fails:
selections trigger expression FIND("Tennis","market_parent") is greater than 0
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Hi Mark

Thanks for your suggestion, but I am able to work around this specific problem. 

What concerns me is the fact that a variable when viewed in the variable window returns an answer of 1, yet when the same variable is put intoa trigger, the trigger log shows the same variable being greater than 0 as false!

Unless I'm being really dumb (which happens!) I can't get my head around what seems to be a massive contradiction.  My concern is that there is some coding error which is causing this, and if so, what other trigger variables are returning wrong results.  I just stumbled upon this one whilst trying to fault find a problematic trigger.

I hope Oxa or Tim can read this thread and shed some light on it.


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