Author Topic: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should  (Read 5388 times)

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Hi, I have had a couple of triggers setup, one for dutch backing on 3 horses and one for laying.

I have noticed previously that the dutch backing bets sometimes happen whilst in play. I set the time before off to 0.2 (12 seconds) - but have found a number of times it doesn't bet at those times.

As for the laying strategy, I have the min odds set at 7.01 and the max odds at 26.45, and today - one of the selections was placed, and MFP shows it at odds of 8.20 (Sepal) but 12 seconds before the off, the price was around the 3.0 mark.

Attached are my triggers, could someone please let me know if I have not set it up properly. it seems like a simple setup, but if I am doing something wrong, I'd appreciate some advice.

Had 3 selections on the lay strategy which turned out to be losers, and the tipster declared only 1 losing bet today - so I questioned him and he asked for my values, and he just said my values are not correct - as in the odds were outside the range he specified at the time of the bet, so should not have been placed.

Interestingly, today, one the dutch selections was Kakotsi, and the bet was placed on it at odds of 630, and as its a dutching, then the stake was set at £0.03, as it has a loss criteria of £2, so the other bets were £1.38 and £0.59. This should not have been the case, but fortunately it went nicely and I ended up with a better profit than I should. But thats not really how I want to go down this route and would appreciate some help - or maybe there is a fault with MFP?



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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #1 on: 08 Sep 2015, 19:55 »

If you do not want to the triggers to bet INPLAY, then change the market setting to IDLE or SUSPENDED, and not ALL MARKETS.

The triggers look ok apart from that.

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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #2 on: 08 Sep 2015, 21:10 »
Hi Larp, 

thanks for the response, I thought the whole idea about setting the bet to be placed at the time before the off was exactly that?
My condition is set at 'less than or equal to 0.2'
It seems that the bets on a few occasions were placed well after the 12 seconds I set, so maybe the 'less than or equal to' has allowed the bet placement ANY time after 12 seconds before the off, so if we take that apart, it doesn't seem to have broken any conditions by placing the bet while in play as that is effectively less than 12 seconds before the off I suppose.

if I set the condition to bet when time IS EQUAL to 0.2, will it then bet at the specified time - and no time afterwards?

Or do I have to change the market to IDLE too?


  • Élite
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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #3 on: 09 Sep 2015, 05:20 »
first change the market status to Idle or Suspend  (on the trigger screen not the conditions)
then have your condition time set to Between 0.18 and 0.22
this is because if you set it to 0.20 and the trigger check/refresh time is 0.19 it could miss the exact  0.20 so no bet would be placed because the next trigger check/refresh time could be 0.21.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #4 on: 09 Sep 2015, 17:05 »

really not sure what has happened, but absolutely no bets have been placed today. I set the trigger, based on Idle or suspended, I set the Markets minutes before off to be between 0.1 and 0.25 - changed nothing else, but no bets have been placed at all. At least before there were bets being placed. I then put the Market status to Alll Markets in the hope that it would have some effect, but nothing.

this is just one examples, and it seems the other 3 that I have running have also placed no bets.

I don't want to go back to my old setting because that wasn't right, but this one is now totally wrong.

Any ideas?


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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #5 on: 09 Sep 2015, 17:56 »
sorry it took me a long time to test your trigger to find the problem.
you have left the toff constant active , so the toff_low and toff_high is using the toff figure due to you mixing the names.
please delete the toff constant and all will work as it should.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #6 on: 09 Sep 2015, 21:26 »
hi mcbee,

I changed it, but this did not make any difference, the bets which were supposed to be placed did not happen. Took out toff altogether, renamed toff_low and toff_high to low_toff and high_toff resp, and set them in the trigger condition - no bet placed on the last race for today, so its been a no bet day all day, and sadly I am informed the strategy has been a winning day.

Any ideas?



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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #7 on: 10 Sep 2015, 05:20 »
you have the high and low in the wrong places, the trigger needs the lowest time first.
i tested your trigger yesterday with just the toff deleted and it worked ok.

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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #8 on: 10 Sep 2015, 08:31 »
well, I also tested with just toff deleted, and that produced no results, so I am not sure how its working on yours? Maybe something in the settings I need to do?

Once I saw that this didn't work, I tried to change the setting to between high_toff and low_toff, where high_toff is set at 0.25 before the off and low_toff is set at 0.1 before the off - and this is surely the logical order, so if we translate that to seconds for now by arbitrary mapping the values direct, then high_toff = 25 seconds, low_toff = 10 seconds, then when the markets time off is counting down, once it reaches 26 seconds before the off, then the next second will be 25 seconds, which coincides with high_toff, and so this value is hit first, hence my thinking behind setting it as I did. So this being wrong is a little confusing...

i will try it again with my dogs strategy and set it between low_toff and high_toff respectively, but I fear it will not work. I will let you know.

If you think maybe something in my settings needs adjusting, please let me know



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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #9 on: 10 Sep 2015, 11:08 »
OK, its definitely something to do with the time before the off setting...

see image.

trigger included for reference.... (greyhounds win market)



  • Élite
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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #10 on: 10 Sep 2015, 12:36 »
i have tested your greyhound trigger and it placed a lay bet on the qualifying selection.
please make sure that you have ticked allow small bets in the betting options.
if that fails please create a new profile in the login screen and try the trigger using the new profie.
also your refresh rate needs to be set at .30  , so that the trigger can see the time between .1 and .25 , if your refresh rate is to high the time condition will be missed between refreshes.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: trigger not correct or MFP not working as it should
« Reply #11 on: 10 Sep 2015, 15:48 »
hi mcbee,

thanks so much for the help on this. I tried setting up a new profile and then used the existing trigger - and it worked!

thanks again



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