  • #1 by osheam4 on 16 Dec 2015
  • Hi there,
    I am trialling your great product, and have come accross a possible issue. This may be because of the way I am using it, or a resource issue on my VPS.

    I am using the following trigger for testing;

    I have 5 concurrent matches, with all under/over markets chosen.

    My VPS is;
    Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2
    1GB Memory
    1 CPU

    My issue is that sometimes the trigger fires, but when a goal is scored in some games, the trigger does not fire..........and the betting stops for that trigger.

    I hope this is enough information, but if you need more..... please let me know.
  • #2 by MarkV on 16 Dec 2015
  • Hi
    Please check your settings that settled markets are not deleted automatically. The trigger needs the settled markets to operate the staking plan.

    Also download match score setting should be switched on.
  • #3 by osheam4 on 16 Dec 2015
  • Thanks for the quick answer Mark.
    I will check that out for some games this evening....and will let you know.
  • #4 by osheam4 on 16 Dec 2015
  • Weird, I got the same issue this evening.  One market never even started,  another stopped after 5 th goal.  The 3 others worked perfectly.
  • #5 by MarkV on 17 Dec 2015
  • Hi
    You'll need to check your trigger and program logs to determine the reason. If the trigger worked ok on three soccer games, the reason is likely to be in the markets.

    Quite often towards the end of a game, especially after a number of goals, there is low liquidity in the next OU market. Check whether a lay price was offered, if there was no lay price available, the trigger will not fire, and if a high lay price was offered did you have sufficient test funds to cover the liability?

    Another reason could be the market score not being available / updated?

    If a market does not "start" it is possible that Betfair were not able to offer that market in-play. You can add your own conditions to the trigger to check for these situations.

    This trigger works best in OU markets with high liquidity.
  • #6 by osheam4 on 19 Dec 2015
  • Thanks Mark, you are correct, I believe the market didn't allow the bet to be made.
    I will try and filter in only big games.
    Is there an option to import events with high volumes (ass opposed to just markets with high volumes)
  • #7 by MarkV on 19 Dec 2015
  • Hi
    By event you are meaning a soccer match? Match Odds market is obvious choice, but one market you will need for that trigger is OU2.5 and traded volume in that market is a good indicator as well.

    You can use the Market Locator to find markets with high volume:
    markets matched volume is greater than x (you can experiment to find what volume suits you best)

    or add a condition to the first betting trigger to check the traded volume in OU2.5
    and selections trigger expression football8_market_volume is greater than 5000

    so the first bet on 0 - 0 score will only fire if
    OU2.5 market traded volume is greater than 5000

    as usual, please try things out in test mode first.
