Hi all,
I get the free trial to test before buy the software: Time Machine and Marketfeeder PRO 8.
I buy 5 soccer games (in time machine) and place the market for 0.5 to 8.5 "in my markets", to run, by this point all ok. Time machine runs great!
The problem: I download this trigger to test (marketfeederpro.com/learn/triggers/over-under-martingale) and:
Click in triggers -> Load the file "over-under-martingale.mft", Turn on the green lamp -> turn on the trigger lamp in all markets (0.5 to 8.5)-> Click in PLAY and the trigger dont do anything.
Anyone can tell whtas going wrong?
If someone give me a skype support (share screen) i send a beer (10$) by Neteller
Thanks to all!
Guys, I did exactly what this video and showed it did not work, my windows 8 SP1.
HiPro86 with Time Machine
anyone has seen something like this?