Author Topic: Trigger Stall Randomly  (Read 2552 times)

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Trigger Stall Randomly
« on: 19 Jun 2014, 08:24 »

Maybe once every couple of days, sometimes every day and at varying times randomly, my triggers seems to stall and stop betting on any further markets until I reload the trigger set (a nightmare if it's in the middle of a loss-recovery stage).

It's almost as if it's not realizing the previous market has been settled and wont go onto the next market as I can see from the logs it's still running and even checking the next markets, just not firing the next bet due to the FALSE condition return. Below is the log line:

14:54:31   Horse Racing / GB / 14:55 Ham 18th Jun: Inappropriate market status (Idle).
15:03:05   Checking market "Horse Racing / GB / 14:55 Ham 18th Jun".
15:03:05   Checking condition and Market's Settled P/L is greater than 0.
15:03:05   Condition is: FALSE.
15:03:05   Remaining conditions in the block will not be checked.

As I said, 95% of the time its running the triggers work on 10-20 times daily ok, so the triggers are defo working - but this niggle is very annoying and I can't pin-poin any consistent circumstance for the stall?

I have switched my 'update list of bets' to simultaneously - but that didn't stop it, I have 'delete finished markets un-clicked, I only monitor the market 3 mins before the off, and I refresh every 1 sec.

Any help or advice greatly appreciated

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Re: Trigger Stall Randomly
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jun 2014, 10:00 »
Is the previous market actually settled with a p/l showing in the matched bets area?

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Re: Trigger Stall Randomly
« Reply #2 on: 26 Jun 2014, 10:53 »

I have switched my 'update list of bets' to simultaneously
I would definitely recommend to untick this if you have more than 5 markets in your list.

As for your actual problem, the log clearly shows that the market's P/L is not greater than 0, so there are two options:

1. There were no bets in the market so its P/L is zero.
2. The P/L is negative, i.e. there was a loss in the market.

Try to check if any of these applies to your problem. I assume the trigger runs in Settled Markets only, so that already rules out a possibility that the market has not been settled for some reason.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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