Author Topic: Two profiles running but one freezes?  (Read 2205 times)

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Two profiles running but one freezes?
« on: 10 Jul 2015, 18:02 »
Hi Chaps,
I run a Toshiba laptop with 8GB RAM and have used MF Pro for years. My laptops about a year old.

I prefer Toshiba laptops over others so always gone for them.

I've recently subscribed for a month as I have two good working systems.

One system has been working fine on its own and does make money over time so will probably be buying more subscription time. I have another one bet a day system that I can do manually but need to be at the computer just before the start.

To make it easier I've set up another profile with triggers to place this bet, rather than having to do it manually.

I've ended up placing yesterdays, and todays, bet manually as my second MF Pro profile running simultaneously freezes and then have a lot of trouble closing that MF Pro profile, other still closes fine.

Over the years I've had many troubles running MF Pro on my Toshiba laptops and this is just another one of those cases. Its extremely frustrating.

I was wondering whether anyone might of had similar issues and any luck resolving the problems.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

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Re: Two profiles running but one freezes?
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jul 2015, 18:13 »
Hi H

I have a similar Toshiba model  running Windows 7 and while the profiles do work well mostly, I do have issues with closing multiple profiles sometimes and sometime when I have the price ladder open.

I dont have defender switched on or any other live protections etc.

Not a bad idea to find out with laptops are best.


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Re: Two profiles running but one freezes?
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jul 2015, 18:26 »
Thanks for replying.

I've ALWAYS had issues with Toshiba's, always and the problems have been so numerous over the years. I did email support for awhile and they helped me with one problem, they sorted some programming stuff and then asked me to run it first before they formally issued it to all users. That sorted that problem out but the troubles NEVER end, their is always something.

For example I cant have an extra monitor connected to the laptop via hdmi socket as error windows pop up constantly... it is a pain.

I wouldn't have a clue about other laptops and this was quite an expensive high end machine!!

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Re: Two profiles running but one freezes?
« Reply #3 on: 11 Jul 2015, 07:26 »
So maybe the problem is somewhere in the settings of the second profile? Can you send your settings file and the triggers you run in that profile to the support?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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