Author Topic: Unable to download market in time machine 137544426  (Read 1452 times)

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Cannot download market data for market 137544426 - 02/12/17, Newb, 3pm, Win.

This means I can’t bulk download any markets as it stops as soon as it hits this record.

This is the only record it cannot download that I've spotted - reset the database, deleted tm.db twice - not working.

Viewed the database to try stop it downloading this record but it appears this info is held server side.

Help please!

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Re: Unable to download market in time machine 137544426
« Reply #1 on: 04 Jan 2018, 09:01 »
This appears to be fixed by updating to the latest software! 

I will update you if any further issues but will close for now.

Thanks for your help,



Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE