Author Topic: Variable setting condition not working as I had Hoped!  (Read 1492 times)

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I'm playing with an idea in Time machine.

As part of this "playing" I am trying to detect when the ranking order of say, the first 4 favourites, at the time the race is due to start (minutes before the off <= 0) differs from the BSP rank order (at in-play).

At "the off" time:
r_1_sel_name Dobbin 1
r_2_sel_name Dobbin 2
r_3_sel_name Dobbin 3
r_4_sel_name Dobbin 4

At in-play, BSP ranking order is
Fav 1 = Dobbin 1
Fav 2 = Dobbin 2
Fav 3 = Dobbin 3
Fav 4 = Dobbin 5

I have a remember trigger "snapshot_maket_id" which fires at minutes before the off <= 0.

I have a set variable action (first matching selection, individually for each market) that has the following condition:

Selection's Trigger Expression r_4_sel_name is not equal to snapshot_market_id_4_sel_name
and Selection's Sorting order is defined by actual_sp.

My rationale:
Snapshot_market_id_4_sel_name (Dobbin 4) is a constant once set.
r_4_sel_name will most likely vary during a race.
actual_sp (BSP) is also a constant once the market goes in-play.
Therefore, a list sorted by actual_sp should also be static.
i.e. Whatever selection is 4th in the sorted BSP list should always be the same throughout the race  

However, that is not what appears to be happening.  My variable is getting set as soon as r_4_ changes to something other than it was at the off.

I've concluded r_4_ sel_name sorted by actual_sp isn't a thing!

My reasoning is clearly flawed (no change there!) but why?



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Re: Variable setting condition not working as I had Hoped!
« Reply #1 on: 21 Jan 2023, 07:44 »
Try this (see helpfile for more details on the variables) :

last_order = last recorded rank before the off
match_index = index of matching selections from lowest to highest

selections sorting order is defined by actual_sp
and selections trigger expression match_index is not equal to last_order

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Re: Variable setting condition not working as I had Hoped!
« Reply #2 on: 21 Jan 2023, 17:01 »
Hi Mark,

I had overlooked those variables and needless to say that solves the problem :)

Many thanks



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