Author Topic: ver 'all markets' / 'my markets' window  (Read 2607 times)

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  • Posts: 49
Hi Oxa

In previous versions the width of the 'all markets' / 'my markets' window on the left of the program used to be able to be adjusted to allow the whole market name to be seen.

In the latest versions the width of this window seems to be fixed. I know that it is possible to scroll left and right to find out the full market names, but this this is a right pain when there are more than a couple of windows open for each overs/unders market for footie games.

Would it be possible to include an adjustable window in the next upgrade ? - I've attached a screenshot if my explanation is unclear.


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  • Posts: 13
Re: ver 'all markets' / 'my markets' window
« Reply #1 on: 22 Oct 2012, 08:52 »
Ditto for me on this.

I like to resize the window to view the full race names.

David Gilbertson


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE