Author Topic: What can cause a long gap in triggers checking conditions?  (Read 3113 times)

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  • Posts: 141
Hi everyone!

Does anyone know of any reasons why a trigger might not work for over a minute when usually it does the same check several times a second (0.2 per second)?

I've noticed that towards the end of the day (UK time) more and more of my triggers aren't firing causing me to not green up or distribute loss which luckily for me hasn’t caused too much of an issue - but if it carries on then I'm sure it will.

So this trigger worked fine checking 3 times a second until 21:59:30 then it stopped until 22:00:34 by this time the race had started and I had an open bet (although it won!)

I know computer freezing could cause it, but is there anything else which could cause this?

Below are the logs from that trigger. I have other triggers and each of them has the same time gap.

21:59:29   Checking market "Greyhound Racing / Evening Cards / Nott 25th May / 22:00 Nott 25th May OR 480m".
21:59:29   Checking condition and Selection's Trigger Expression back_payout-lay_payout is greater than 0.05.
21:59:29   Condition is: FALSE.
21:59:29   Remaining conditions in the block will not be checked.
21:59:30   Checking market "Greyhound Racing / Evening Cards / Nott 25th May / 22:00 Nott 25th May OR 480m".
21:59:30   Checking condition and Selection's Trigger Expression back_payout-lay_payout is greater than 0.05.
21:59:30   Condition is: FALSE.
21:59:30   Remaining conditions in the block will not be checked.
22:00:34   Checking market "Greyhound Racing / Evening Cards / Nott 25th May / 22:00 Nott 25th May OR 480m".
22:00:34   Checking condition and Selection's Trigger Expression back_payout-lay_payout is greater than 0.05.
22:00:34   Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: 1. Sixty Two.
22:00:34   Checking condition and Market's Minutes Before the Off is equal or less than 5/60.
22:00:34   Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: 1. Sixty Two.
22:00:34   Market "Greyhound Racing / Evening Cards / Nott 25th May / 22:00 Nott 25th May OR 480m" is suspended or no longer available for betting.


Whitey :)
Yeah! :p

  • Guest
Hi Whitey,

I had a similar problem some time ago. The trigger file was too large. It was checking too many  conditions over too many selections over too many races. I eventually gave up on the trigger file as being just too cumbersome.

In my case, it was taking 2 minutes to decide if a selection had an unbacked amount.

Can you trim the trigger file size somewhat? Or perhaps clearing the logs or otherwise clearing the stress on the bets monitor.


UPDATE from what I remember, the program was cross-referencing so many conditions it was left waiting for confirmation that there was no more bets and only cleared itself after 2 minutes.

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3675
Just a small suggestion complementing Larp's comments to try to improve the efficiency of the trigger conditions:

If you don't need to check conditions until a certain time move the minutes before the off condition as the first one.

Why ask the same condition to calculate 5/60? Just tell it 0.083
every little helps  :)
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Triggers are only checked simultaneously with a market refresh. So whatever is causing the delay of the refresh (Internet problems, API slowdown etc.) will also impact the triggers.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Thank you for all your responses.

There are a lot of logs so I might delete them as I don't need them all.

I'm always looking to improve the efficiency of the trigger conditions (but you caught me out with the 5/60. I was just being lazy!)

I'm 99% sure I know what the problem was - it was the server MFP is running on.


Yeah! :p


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