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Awesome, thanks so much for the speedy response!
The trigger conditions will be:

markets betting code is over/under (soccer) market_score1 + market_score2 + 0.5
and selections index is equal to 2
and selections trigger expression match_minute is equal or greater than 60

this will place a bet on Over (index 2) in the current OU market
all the over/under markets for the game need to be in my markets and refreshing 
Hi, how would I place the IP bet to bet on 1 more goal please? For example if the score is 2-1 how would I place a bet on over 3.5 goals?

Additionally, can I trigger the bet after a certain time period, for example only bet if the game is 60 minutes old or more?

Many thanks, Mark
Triggered betting / Re: Importing selections from a file
« Last post by rubold on 21 Jan 2025, 11:13 »
Thanks Mark, surprisingly, just enclosing the names in quotes worked for me and left all selections avaiable for auto-trading.
So using import selections button, quotes not necessary.
Using Selections names in file... quotes required.  This is illustrated in the manual, but I orginally thought the quotes were not required.
Triggered betting / Re: Importing selections from a file
« Last post by MarkV on 19 Jan 2025, 10:51 »
The way to do this is to put #all_active# as the last line in the text file but also import a value so the betting trigger fires only for imported selections. This then leaves all other selections available for other triggers.

text file looks like this (tab between selection name and value, and no space or CR after #all_active#):

King Dargent 1
Surrender 1
Environment Ally 1

trigger condition for betting on imported selections:
and selections trigger expression imported_1 is equal to 1

all other selections in the market will be visible for other triggers
Triggered betting / Importing selections from a file
« Last post by rubold on 17 Jan 2025, 13:25 »
I am familiar and have used the Import selections for autotrading button without problems.  I now want to import from a text file but keep the remaining selections available for auto-trading. So I tried Selections Name is in file......, but no selections were backed.  Do the selection names need to be enclosed within quotes?  This is not required if you use the Import selections button.
Troubleshooting / Re: Trigger not working?
« Last post by Wez on 11 Jan 2025, 14:20 »
Hi Tim,

Price is good.  It is the first condition that is true as shown below.  Amount to lay is a mere £5, so I don't think it's price or amount unfortunately.



Extract from line 400 of previous attachment:

10/01/2025 23:30:03:   Round 2. Channel HILO_TURBO refreshed. Game ID: 90307554

Checking:  Any Selection's Lay Price is between 1.4 and 1.65
Condition is true. valid for 1 selection(s): Card 2 or further. ( Selection 'Card 1 or further': Condition body's value is 1.2100., Selection 'Card 3 or further': Condition body's value is 2.2200., Selection 'Card 4 or further': Condition body's value is 2.9600., Selection 'Card 5 or further': Condition body's value is 3.9500., Selection 'Card 6 or further': Condition body's value is 5.2000., Selection 'Card 7 or further': Condition body's value is 6.9000., Selection 'Card 8 or further': Condition body's value is 8.9000., Selection 'Card 9 or further': Condition body's value is 11.6000., Selection 'Card 10 or further': Condition body's value is 14.4000., Selection 'Card 11': Condition body's value is 18.)
Checking: and  Selection's Index in the game is between 2 and 4
Condition is true. valid for 1 selection(s): Card 2 or further. 
Checking: and  Channel's Losses during 20 games is less than 5
Condition is true.  
Checking: and  Every Selection's Matched Lay is equal to 0
Condition is true.  
Troubleshooting / Re: Trigger not working?
« Last post by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 11 Jan 2025, 12:12 »
Could be wrong bet amount or price.
Troubleshooting / Trigger not working?
« Last post by Wez on 10 Jan 2025, 23:38 »

I have been running the X-feeder Time Machine and I can't for the life of me work out why a particular trigger isn't working.  Specifically on 21/06/24.  The funny happens within the first 5 games.  Market_id 90307554 to be specific.

There are 4 conditions and the log file shows all four as being true, yet the Lay action doesn't get executed.

I have the log files and the trigger file ready to share.

Do that here or in a PM?

I have attached the laying log file which doesn't fire a bet for game 90307554 just to get the ball rolling.
There are 2 other log files and the trigger file which I haven't attached.


Suggestions / Write to file action
« Last post by Wez on 10 Jan 2025, 18:14 »

is it possible to add the write to file action (as per MFP) to X-feeder?
It would be incredibly useful to track what's going on with triggers if things such as user variables and the trend variable could be output to align with the trigger betting actions.

This is an incredibly useful feature in MFP!


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