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Triggered betting / Re: Soccer Trigger
« Last post by MarkV on 01 Jun 2024, 18:55 »
I'm very boring (I know, sorry).... But I can I select the matches that I know that will have the score in the screen? I see that not every matches have the score, so how can I delete or not to bet in those matches?
say give it a few minutes to see if score is there.

markets minutes since the is off is greater than 3
and selections trigger expression score_exists is equal to 0

or if you want to check for score in the betting trigger:
and selections trigger expression score_exists is equal to 1
Triggered betting / Re: Soccer Trigger
« Last post by MarkV on 01 Jun 2024, 18:47 »
I MarkV... I already made the changes that you suggested and it worked fine. The triggers are working. Thank you. But I have another issue, that sometimes happens. I have the trigger "GreenUp - Fav equalizes 1-1", that fire when the Favourite equalizes 1-1 (that´s the name ;D;D;D) and it fires 2 minutes after the goal for the odds to stabilize. But sometimes the odds takes to long time to stabilze and the trigger "catch" a lower odd and put me in red (that´s not the objective). So, there are some trigger expression (or another feature) to "see" if the back price is over the average of the 2 lays matched (because I have trigger to fire a second lay bet if the underdog scores first)? Do you understand what I mean (sorry for my English)? I´ve been around here and I can´t find any feature or see any trigger expression to solve this....
and selections back price is greater than bm_layavp

or you can use market current trade out value:
and selections trigger expression market_tradeout is greater than 0 (or any positive amount)
Triggered betting / Re: Soccer Trigger
« Last post by joaofrancisco on 01 Jun 2024, 13:36 »
I'm very boring (I know, sorry)....

But I can I select the matches that I know that will have the score in the screen? I see that not every matches have the score, so how can I delete or not to bet in those matches?

Triggered betting / Re: Soccer Trigger
« Last post by joaofrancisco on 01 Jun 2024, 12:59 »
I MarkV... I already made the changes that you suggested and it worked fine. The triggers are working. Thank you.

But I have another issue, that sometimes happens. I have the trigger "GreenUp - Fav equalizes 1-1", that fire when the Favourite equalizes 1-1 (that´s the name ;D;D;D) and it fires 2 minutes after the goal for the odds to stabilize. But sometimes the odds takes to long time to stabilze and the trigger "catch" a lower odd and put me in red (that´s not the objective).

So, there are some trigger expression (or another feature) to "see" if the back price is over the average of the 2 lays matched (because I have trigger to fire a second lay bet if the underdog scores first)?

Do you understand what I mean (sorry for my English)? I´ve been around here and I can´t find any feature or see any trigger expression to solve this....

Suggestions / Re: Telegram Alert
« Last post by Ruan P on 29 May 2024, 09:28 »
How many days does it take for support to help me with this issue?
Добрый день.

Это никак независящие друг от друга продукты. Их следует приобретать отдельно.
Добрый день. Никак не могу разобраться. Можно ли приобрести сразу комплект маркетфидер и впс

Triggered betting / Re: Soccer Trigger
« Last post by MarkV on 28 May 2024, 13:29 »
GreenUp - Fav Scores First change All Matching Selections to All Market's Selections

GreenUp - Fav equalizes 1 - 1 change to All Market's Selections and add these conditions:
and trigger lay again underdog - if the underdog scores first number of runs in the market is greater than 0
and trigger greenup - fav scores first number of runs in the market is equal to 0

please test in test mode 
Time Machine / Re: No free markets
« Last post by AndrewP on 28 May 2024, 13:19 »
Awesome, cheers 
Triggered betting / Re: Soccer Trigger
« Last post by joaofrancisco on 28 May 2024, 06:48 »
Sorry, forgot to put the trigger....
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