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Troubleshooting / Re: Cant log in
« Last post by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 13 May 2024, 18:23 »
Hmm, can't reproduce the issue.
Could please somebody send a screenshot of the situation to [email protected] ?
Thank you.
Triggered betting / Selections p/l after event is settled
« Last post by djmotion on 13 May 2024, 12:45 »

So I'm trying to use the selections settled p/l in calculations but can't seem to get it working. I have different bets on the 1st 4 faves so I can't use the market settled p/l for these calculations. It has to be specific to the runner so I'm trying to calculate a running total pl for each selection so it should start at 0 and then plus whatever the settled pl is for that runner. I've tried using selections profit/loss conditions and selections trigger expression profit/loss but these don't work so I'm assuming you can't use these for settled markets. Any idea how I can calculate the settled p/l for each selection? Cheers.
Troubleshooting / Re: Cant log in
« Last post by Tvorec on 13 May 2024, 10:39 »
Same for me.
Troubleshooting / Re: Cant log in
« Last post by pjms on 13 May 2024, 10:12 »
Hi yes. I have just posted a similar message describing exactly the same problem.

Troubleshooting / Cant log in
« Last post by COLING on 13 May 2024, 10:08 »
Hi is anyone having problems logging in, when i try and log in i get an error message saying "not found"
cheers Colin
Troubleshooting / Re: Statement
« Last post by joaofrancisco on 12 May 2024, 10:40 »
Thanks armarni. Good to see that I´m not the only one with this request.

But I´ve found some the other software that include our bet history in a detail list, such:

- Date and Time of the bet;
- Sport;
- Event;
- Market;
- Type of bet;
- Odds;
- Stake;
- Result;
- Profit/Loss

So, if there are some softwares (allowed by Betfair) that gives this information, I don´t know why MarketFeeder can´t.

Triggered betting / Re: Imported picks bettings
« Last post by MarkV on 10 May 2024, 17:50 »
In the trigger named stake 1 if you change the execute field from once per market to once per selection it should do it.
Please use test mode to test the trigger
Triggered betting / Re: Imported picks bettings
« Last post by Sumsark on 10 May 2024, 11:27 »
Hello Mark,

Yes that is correct it keeps reimporting the picks. Would you be able to modify it so all new picks would go through as well ?

Thank you
Record the maximum balance in a user variable once per market:

set user variable
name: max_bal
value: balance
condition: selections trigger expression balance is greater than max_bal
once per market

max_bal will always be the maximum recorded balance and you can use this for the betting stake IF statement

After spending all day yesterday trying to come up with a solution and then thinking about it all night at work, I finally had a lightbulb moment and realised I need a condition to only adjust max_bal if a new highest balance has been reached but then I was stuck at work and couldn't program it :o Finally home now so gonna get started ;D Cheers, least I know it will definitely work!!
Triggered betting / Re: Read text from a file in a trigger
« Last post by fonecorp on 08 May 2024, 23:30 »
Thankyou Mark
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