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Troubleshooting / Time until end of race
« Last post by wehey on 02 Jul 2024, 07:31 »
Hiya all,
Once upon a time there was a trigger developed by the lovely MF Folks that counted down the seconds during a horse race. The timer calculated the race distance and gave a value of the amount of seconds the race would take to run and then counted down to zero once the race had started.
I kept it for years as it was really helpful but I must have overwritten it somehow.
Does anyone have it still or a solution that would work?
Разобрался (пропустил параметр History, тоже надо поднимать). Все гуд
Troubleshooting / Re: Support does not exist??
« Last post by rubold on 28 Jun 2024, 13:58 »
Support tickets are for problems with the software.  They are not intended to provide any training in the use of the software.  This forum can offer advice and if you want trigggers written for you then use the    link.
Русскоязычный форум / Charts
« Last post by Евгений Сулимов on 28 Jun 2024, 09:56 »
Добрый день!
Подскажите. не могу понять. Опции в Monitoring option - Charts - Show last минуты и транзакции, это как работает? По умолчанию 5 мин и 20 транз, если ставишь меньше все ок, а вот если больше то не понятно. Так как экран этого миничарта так же заполняется за 5 минут и начинает сдвигаться. Позже вроде начинает сжиматься, но все равно не как ты указал в настройках. Т.е пример указал 20 мин, экран заполнился за 5 мин, и начинает сдвигатся, через минут 10-15 (он показывает +- 10 минут).
Можно указывать больше чем 5 минут, и как сделать, чтоб оно работало как указываешь (если можно конечно такое) ?

Troubleshooting / Re: Support does not exist??
« Last post by MarkV on 24 Jun 2024, 21:28 »
1. My plan is to run a bunch of strategies 100% automatically, for example 1 strategy where I want to lay the draw when it hits 1.80 or below. 1 key filter is the favourite must also be priced 3.50 or below at this point. If those are true I want to lay the draw at a certain stake and as an insurance I want to back the next draw result in correct score market with 5% of this stake as an insurance. How to set this up properly? I build the criterias inside the Triggers-section? Is it also maybe possible to add an exitstrategy here, if a goal is scored to green out or so?

Your example sounds similar to this trigger which could be modified to add the conditions you want and change CS 0 - 0 to next draw
You could put in a trigger request if you wanted a trigger developed  

 2. Inside the Trigger-section, is 1 block equal to 1 strategy? I mean you can add several triggers inside 1 block (and also several actions inside each trigger), so this makes me confused on how to look at it. Maybe would be good if you could refer to this 3 terms when you explain how to setup the strategy I described above.

In the help file there is a good description how to use trigger blocks. You could use separate blocks for separate strategies but need to take care they do not interfere with each other.  Generally trigger blocks are used as logical containers for triggers. e.g. block 1 initialises user variables, block 2 trading triggers, block 3 stoploss etc  

 3. The market selections I understand a bit better, but what if I want to run each strategy with a different list of it possible and how to do that? Lets say I run 10 different strategies and want a different list for all of them, what is the best way to do this? And is it possible to automate the process of loading markets for every strategy each day? I want as little manual work as possible for the automated strategies.

Have a read of the helpfile section: importing selections for auto-trading. Text files containing selection and market names with optional imported data can be automatically imported at regular intervals. Also the Market Locator and Scheduler can automatically load markets at regular times based on a template. e.g. Championship, min traded vol 5000, 11am daily

 4. I want to run the "Test mode" with those automated strategies on a VPS with another Betfairaccount, is this possible at the same time to run it in realmode on my computer (with my Betfairaccount)? Otherwise, is it possible to run the software (at 1 computer) in both test mode and real mode simultaneously? I mean like trading manual with real money and run the automated strategies in the background in testmode?

Yes all possible. Can run multiple instances of MFP on the same computer each with a separate strategy or real / test mode. An MFP subscription in bound to a Betfair user name. You can run unlimited instances on multiple computers. If you want to use more than one Betfair account you will need another MFP subscription

Troubleshooting / Support does not exist??
« Last post by Filip1718102524 on 24 Jun 2024, 10:05 »
First I want to say I am really disappointed on the support for this software, have not responded on my tickets since I created it on 9th of june... however maybe someone else can answer my questions:

1. My plan is to run a bunch of strategies 100% automatically, for example 1 strategy where I want to lay the draw when it hits 1.80 or below. 1 key filter is the favourite must also be priced 3.50 or below at this point. If those are true I want to lay the draw at a certain stake and as an insurance I want to back the next draw result in correct score market with 5% of this stake as an insurance. How to set this up properly? I build the criterias inside the Triggers-section? Is it also maybe possible to add an exitstrategy here, if a goal is scored to green out or so?

2. Inside the Trigger-section, is 1 block equal to 1 strategy? I mean you can add several triggers inside 1 block (and also several actions inside each trigger), so this makes me confused on how to look at it. Maybe would be good if you could refer to this 3 terms when you explain how to setup the strategy I described above.

3. The market selections I understand a bit better, but what if I want to run each strategy with a different list of it possible and how to do that? Lets say I run 10 different strategies and want a different list for all of them, what is the best way to do this? And is it possible to automate the process of loading markets for every strategy each day? I want as little manual work as possible for the automated strategies.

4. I want to run the "Test mode" with those automated strategies on a VPS with another Betfairaccount, is this possible at the same time to run it in realmode on my computer (with my Betfairaccount)? Otherwise, is it possible to run the software (at 1 computer) in both test mode and real mode simultaneously? I mean like trading manual with real money and run the automated strategies in the background in testmode?

If I dont manage to get some answers somehow I have look for some other service out there with better support, thanks!
Troubleshooting / Re: trade out bet sometimes not matched
« Last post by melhead on 22 Jun 2024, 17:42 »
Thanks for the reply MarkV!

I like the sound of the second option you suggested, using a trigger action: match unmatched back bets.  I think this will work well for my situation. I will try it out and let you know how it goes!

Troubleshooting / Re: trade out bet sometimes not matched
« Last post by MarkV on 22 Jun 2024, 15:24 »
Probably several ways to address this.

In the Stop-Loss settings you can automatically match unmatched bets under certain criteria.

Or use a trigger action: match unmatched back bets or match unmatched lay bets. This will give you better control than the settings option above. For example use a condition to trigger this x seconds after tradeout trigger fired.

Or use a back or lay trigger (whichever is appropriate for your tradeout) but set the price x ticks above or below current tradeout price.
If opening bet is back and want to trade out with a lay set the price for the lay bet as r_ticks(lay_price, x)
If opening bet is lay and want to trade out with a back set the price for the back as r_ticks(back_price, -x)
e.g. lay at r_ticks(lay_price, 6) will send a lay bet 6 ticks higher than current best lay price. Betfair will match it at best available lay price.

Or use a back or lay trigger as appropriate to trade out and use "best" in the price field. Betfair will match at best available price.  

Troubleshooting / trade out bet sometimes not matched
« Last post by melhead on 21 Jun 2024, 19:24 »
Hi All,

Sometimes my trade out bets don't get matched due to the price moving while it is being placed and I end up losing my full stake.  What is the best approach to making sure the trade out is always successful?  

Troubleshooting / Trade out bet not always getting matched
« Last post by melhead on 21 Jun 2024, 19:20 »
Hi All,

Sometimes my trade out bets don't get matched due to the price moving while it is being placed and I end up losing my full stake.  What is the best approach to making sure the trade out is always successful?  

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