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Bug reports and suggestions / Re: Can't See the Charts
« Last post by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 04 Nov 2024, 18:25 »
Bug reports and suggestions / Re: Can't See the Charts
« Last post by Arkadiusz Grześkowiak on 04 Nov 2024, 18:04 »
Pls send any pictuares to proved BFcharts working ok
Triggered betting / Minutes Before the Off (or start time?)
« Last post by Maciek Z on 04 Nov 2024, 17:01 »
Hi, I would like to create a trigger to bet on horse racing as close to the start as possible. Just before the actual start. In the real world many races do not start at the scheduled start time but a few minutes later. If I use "Minutes Before the Off = is less than 0.2" will it place the bet just before the scheduled start time (for example for 16:45 Southwell it would be around 16:44:50) or in the period between just before the scheduled start time and the actual start of the race? I am looking for a formula that will allow me to bet even if the scheduled start time has passed but before the actual start. Have the trigger look for a bet before the actual start time of the race (even if it is after the scheduled start time).
Troubleshooting / Re: Fill or kill issue
« Last post by Matt Marsh on 03 Nov 2024, 20:06 »
Thank you, much appreciated 
Troubleshooting / Re: Fill or kill issue
« Last post by MarkV on 03 Nov 2024, 19:05 »
Try adding this condition to the back bets (fok) trigger:
and trigger back depending on price number of runs in the market is greater than 0

that should make sure the fok trigger only fires in the same market as the back trigger fired in

You could add a condition block to the backing trigger to check previous market is finished:
previous triggered events race status is finished
or trigger back depending on price number of runs in the market is equal to 0 overall

(the last condition is for the first market of the day because there will be no previous events)
Troubleshooting / Fill or kill issue
« Last post by Matt Marsh on 02 Nov 2024, 17:49 »
I'm looking for some help please with a fill or kill trigger I'm using as part of my back bets trigger, using the "Compulsory matching at any price available" part of the block.

Its been working fine until today, the issue "seems" to be I had 2 markets close in time to each other.

1st market had not been settled before the 2nd market went off so am I correct in thinking the 2nd market back bet did 
work as MFPRO saw the earlier unsettled bet as being matched already? 
Trigger log: Number of runs per selection is greater than 0 
Condition is: False

The following triggers after this event all went as expected - all triggered ok 

If this is what happened because of a timing issue is there a way to settle the earlier market by checking its status?
I think the 1st race was finished but was just waiting to be officially settled.

I am not using any staking plan or triggers depending on an earlier event needed to be settled 

Or if there is something I am missing any help or advice would be appreciated
Please see attached trigger - my refresh rate is 0.30

Thanks in advance
Troubleshooting / Re: Trigger?
« Last post by Art Vandelay on 31 Oct 2024, 09:35 »
Hi Allen

Yes I figured that was probably the case and that is the reason I haven't pursued the trigger, even though I parted with £9.

However a simple 'Sorry we can't deal with your request at the moment' notification or something similar feels like not too much to ask in this instance.

Anyway, thanks for your reply.

Best regards
Troubleshooting / Re: Trigger?
« Last post by Allen Jesson on 31 Oct 2024, 08:24 »
I think the war in Ukraine has depleted resources....patience needed I think....x
Bug reports and suggestions / Re: Can't See the Charts
« Last post by Arkadiusz Grześkowiak on 30 Oct 2024, 11:26 »
Is there another site similar to BFCharts ?
Bug reports and suggestions / Re: Can't See the Charts
« Last post by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 29 Oct 2024, 20:38 »
I've answered you to your ticket.
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