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Troubleshooting / Re: Time until end of race
« Last post by wehey on 09 Jul 2024, 12:36 »
Thanks Mark :)
Triggered betting / Writing data to excel
« Last post by djmotion on 04 Jul 2024, 01:16 »
Hey, is there any way to record data from selections such as volume percent, change in volume, and back/lay price? I know how to record the data and see it on the trigger log but don't know how to write it to excel. It'll save me a lot of time rather than typing the data into excel, cheers.
Troubleshooting / Re: Time until end of race
« Last post by MarkV on 03 Jul 2024, 14:23 »
As far as I know the trigger is still the same from when it was developed a few years ago.
There is also a market variable: market_duration you can try. There is a description in the help file. It is based on historical data.
Troubleshooting / Re: Time until end of race
« Last post by joaofrancisco on 03 Jul 2024, 13:23 »
Hello MarkV.

Can you tell me if this times are adjusted to this days? Or it stills pretty accurate? Or someone here have "better" times than those there are in the formula?
Troubleshooting / Time until end of race
« Last post by wehey on 02 Jul 2024, 07:31 »
Hiya all,
Once upon a time there was a trigger developed by the lovely MF Folks that counted down the seconds during a horse race. The timer calculated the race distance and gave a value of the amount of seconds the race would take to run and then counted down to zero once the race had started.
I kept it for years as it was really helpful but I must have overwritten it somehow.
Does anyone have it still or a solution that would work?
Разобрался (пропустил параметр History, тоже надо поднимать). Все гуд
Troubleshooting / Re: Support does not exist??
« Last post by rubold on 28 Jun 2024, 13:58 »
Support tickets are for problems with the software.  They are not intended to provide any training in the use of the software.  This forum can offer advice and if you want trigggers written for you then use the    link.
Русскоязычный форум / Charts
« Last post by Евгений Сулимов on 28 Jun 2024, 09:56 »
Добрый день!
Подскажите. не могу понять. Опции в Monitoring option - Charts - Show last минуты и транзакции, это как работает? По умолчанию 5 мин и 20 транз, если ставишь меньше все ок, а вот если больше то не понятно. Так как экран этого миничарта так же заполняется за 5 минут и начинает сдвигаться. Позже вроде начинает сжиматься, но все равно не как ты указал в настройках. Т.е пример указал 20 мин, экран заполнился за 5 мин, и начинает сдвигатся, через минут 10-15 (он показывает +- 10 минут).
Можно указывать больше чем 5 минут, и как сделать, чтоб оно работало как указываешь (если можно конечно такое) ?

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