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Triggered betting / Re: Statement
« Last post by fonecorp on 19 May 2024, 23:21 »
Ok Thanks
Suggestions / Re: Telegram Alert
« Last post by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 19 May 2024, 17:07 »

Yes, that's possible with "SMS/Text plugin" shipped with MarketFeeder.
Please send your request to [email protected] it requires some manual action.
Thank you.
Suggestions / Telegram Alert
« Last post by Ruan P on 19 May 2024, 16:10 »
It would be super interesting if Marketfeeder had an alert interaction with Telegram.
If the moment the trigger makes an entry the application sends a notification in a group on Telegram, in Brazil this is very useful and this is how most tipsters work.
I believe that this function would add a lot to Marketfeeder.

Note: If this function already exists in Marketfeeder, I don't know how to configure it. Hehehe
Triggered betting / Re: Statement
« Last post by MarkV on 19 May 2024, 15:53 »
Hello Paul
As far as I can see that data is not available in a variable. You could could put a request in to support for the variable to be added. 

Triggered betting / Re: Statement
« Last post by fonecorp on 19 May 2024, 12:20 »
Hi Mark

I know about total_won, but that will not give you the amount won yesterday or the day before that etc yet it is viewable in the statement
Triggered betting / Re: Statement
« Last post by MarkV on 19 May 2024, 10:36 »
Slightly different to your description, the variable is total_won and gives the cumulative profit/loss for the number of days in this setting:
General Options > Account Statement > Download data that are not older than x days

So if you set it to 1 day total_won will be the last day's p/l, or set to 7 days will give the week's p/l etc. 
Triggered betting / Re: Write selected data to Excel sheet
« Last post by bobh on 19 May 2024, 07:26 »
Hi Mark,

Thank you for that. It is perfect for me.

Once again, I am very grateful for your help.

Triggered betting / Statement
« Last post by fonecorp on 18 May 2024, 23:43 »
Hi Mark

In the Statement there is a 'Total profit/loss' figure (bottom LHS) for each day which is selectable by using the day arrows (top RHS). Is it possible to access this 'Total profit/loss' figure for each day using  current variables or if not a new variable?

For example a new variable such as daily_pl_0 giving todays progressive profit/loss (19/05/24) or daily_pl_-3 giving the full days profit/loss for the day 3 days ago (16/05/24)

Paul Fone
Triggered betting / Re: Write selected data to Excel sheet
« Last post by MarkV on 18 May 2024, 16:09 »
Hi bobh
Please see the attached trigger. It will produce output like in the screenshot. You need to create a worksheet called soccer_sheet or you can specify the sheet name in the constant.

The trigger collects price data as soon as the market turns in-play and then writes this data and winner name as soon as the market is settled. For the price variables I have used last_last_traded which is the very last traded price recorded before the market turns in-play.   
Triggered betting / Re: Write selected data to Excel sheet
« Last post by bobh on 18 May 2024, 10:37 »
Sorry for the delay Mark - time difference again.

I acknowledge your comments about resource useage, and I also confirm that I have been using the "write to excel trigger" (including live results) on horse racing for many years with just the occasional problem.

So if it is at all possible, I would like to try my excel request please.

Thanks again,



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