In the previous versions of mfp, if you saved a statement it had a column with the date and time in. In vers 7 this only has the time listed, not the date. This creates problems when trying to input this data into a spreadsheet.
Lots of people use different bet amounts for different strategies, so they can easily assess which strategies are working and which need tweaking. Previously you could collect data over a number of days and then sort the csv files by bet size and also date to create a list of bets for each strategy in date order.
The new statement layout doesn't allow this. If I save a number of days csv files and then merge them I cant sort them by date as that info is only buried in the market name column. This means inputting each days results separately, which is a lot more time consuming.
If it was possible to reinstate the date info into the time column in the statement files in a future release that would be a great help.