Author Topic: "Loss recoupment by Brad Jones"  (Read 6478 times)

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"Loss recoupment by Brad Jones"
« on: 05 Sep 2013, 22:47 »
Can make "Loss recoupment by Brad Jones"   more aggressive. he's too passive early days He caught a  3rd horse and he get -and then he starts ... He see he got in front 30 race he split Lost money in small amounts and try get out while he doing thet come again 3rd horse adding up more - in bank  and again and again and still  he split in small amounts.Then the day come to end remained 3 races is -70 in bank and then he starts to place a specific amount off cash  :D
    I wanna him more aggressive from start
Lay 3 horse  (profit 10)but try get lost Money in 4 next races   Possible?

Thanks !

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
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Re: "Loss recoupment by Brad Jones"
« Reply #1 on: 06 Sep 2013, 06:05 »
with this staking plan in the constants you can set
the maximum liability
the number of races to spread the loss
the selections rank

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download below
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: "Loss recoupment by Brad Jones"
« Reply #2 on: 06 Sep 2013, 06:15 »
Thanks mcbee  Looks good.

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Re: "Loss recoupment by Brad Jones"
« Reply #3 on: 02 Nov 2014, 06:45 »
Hi Guys,

This trigger file is great.

Currently if the calculated lay amount liability is greater than the max liability the trigger doesn't fire. Is it possible to change it so that if the calculated lay amount liability is greater than the maximum liability that the lay amount is calculated as max_liability/lay_amount?

Also if I need a minutes before the off variable could you please let me know where it needs to go. I have tried adding it in but I have mucked up the trigger and it wont fire anymore.

Thanks Steve

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Re: "Loss recoupment by Brad Jones"
« Reply #4 on: 02 Nov 2014, 12:57 »
I have tried the formula
 If(((init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)) < max_liab),(init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)),max_liab/lay_price)

but get an error. The trigger log gives the following

23:45:04 All bets will be discarded.
23:45:04 Error in the trigger expression of price or amount for selection "Loving Your Work".
23:45:04 Selection: Loving Your Work, initial expr.: If(((init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)) < max_liab),(init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)),max_liab/lay_price), intermediate: If(((5+(0/5)/(1-0.05))<750),(5+(0/5)/(1-0.05)),750/14.50), final: If((5<750),5,51.72413793).

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Re: "Loss recoupment by Brad Jones"
« Reply #5 on: 02 Nov 2014, 13:00 »
I have tried the formula
 If(((init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)) < max_liab),(init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)),max_liab/lay_price)

but get an error. The trigger log gives the following
23:45:00 All bets will be discarded.
23:45:00 Error in the trigger expression of price or amount for selection "Loving Your Work".
23:45:00 Selection: Loving Your Work, initial expr.: If(((init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)) < max_liab),(init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)),max_liab/lay_price), intermediate: If(((5+(0/5)/(1-0.05))<750),(5+(0/5)/(1-0.05)),750/14.50), final: If((5<750),5,51.72413793).
23:45:00 Selection: Loving Your Work, initial expr.: lay_price, intermediate: 14.50, final: 14.50.
23:45:00     Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: Loving Your Work.
23:45:00     Checking condition or Trigger Place bet Number of runs is equal to 0 overall.
23:45:00     Condition is: FALSE.  
23:45:00     Checking condition or Previous Triggered Event's Status is Settled.
23:45:00 Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: Loving Your Work.
23:45:00 Selection: Loving Your Work, initial expr.: min_laybook_perc, intermediate: 95, final: 95.
23:45:00 Checking condition and Market's Lay Book % is equal or greater than min_laybook_perc.
23:45:00 Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: Loving Your Work.
23:45:00 Selection: Loving Your Work, initial expr.: max_backbook_perc, intermediate: 105, final: 105.
23:45:00 Checking condition and Market's Back Book % is equal or less than max_backbook_perc.
23:45:00 Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: Loving Your Work.
23:45:00 Selection: Loving Your Work, initial expr.: mlp, intermediate: 50, final: 50.
23:45:00 Checking condition and Selection's Lay Price is equal or less than mlp.
23:45:00 Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: Loving Your Work.
23:45:00 Selection: Symphony Of Pearls, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Worthy Spirit, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Ferngrove, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Pretty Mobile, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Stoneham, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Loving Your Work, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Fennann, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Officer Drivel, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Gladstone, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Ravenous, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Selection: Nyanza, initial expr.: sr, intermediate: 6, final: 6.
23:45:00 Checking condition and Selection's Rank is equal to sr.

23:45:00 Checking market "Horse Racing / GB / 23:45 Hunt 2nd Nov".
23:44:56 Going to LAY on 1 selections:

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
Re: "Loss recoupment by Brad Jones"
« Reply #6 on: 03 Nov 2014, 13:12 »
it is good that you are learning.
you must use the capital IF  .
your formula has 1 ) in the wrong place.
If(((init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)) < max_liab),(init_bet + (currentloss/steps)/(1-commission)),max_liab/lay_price)
< max_liab)  ,  the  )  should be  ))) < max_liab,    .
also you need to add after the (1-commission))   *(lay_price-1))
as this is the true liabilty amount.
for your time of bet, you need to add the condition to the betting trigger in place of the liability checking condition.

if you need the trigger altering please use this link.!/

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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