Author Topic: Poker Strategie Trade Help  (Read 3349 times)

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Poker Strategie Trade Help
« on: 28 Mar 2011, 20:21 »

i worked on a trigger for Xfeeder.
But i have a problem,

1. I will Lay on the favorite with bet under 2.5 in Preflop (thats works)
2. I will Back on the previous that i have lay(2.5) over 4 in Flop (that worked not correct)
3. I will Back on Round turn, when 2 was not betted. over and under 4 to protect the lost.

Sorry for my English.

I hope you can help me.


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Re: Poker Strategie Trade Help
« Reply #1 on: 14 Apr 2011, 13:00 »
this trigger will lay on the fav, then if the back odds are 4 or more it will back bet for the default lay amount, if no second bet then it will spread the loss, so if it wins you lose nothing.

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