Author Topic: Are Ex games rigged?  (Read 45484 times)

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Are Ex games rigged?
« on: 04 Jun 2014, 23:12 »
i have an a question if sombody knows?can clarify me!
are a single game in EX Games equal to all coustumers?
or they are fixxed only to me?
i am sure its an RNG alogarithm!
but there is plenty of false claims on internet !
they using bots to lose money!and i is wasnt what the chat on betfair tool me!
of course!
sorry my bad english!
I wait for any reply thanks and bye...
best regards!

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Re: Are Ex games rigged?
« Reply #1 on: 05 Jun 2014, 10:26 »
Your English is fair. They are not rigged per se BUT they are setup so you can not win long term, the odds are created perfectly to recoup any short term wins a player has, at some point you will return their money + interest.

To win at Ex Games you should only play short sessions but at some point you will have a bad session, that's when people think they are rigged.

All players see the same game on their screens, you can download daily history of the games to prove that.

Progressions will sustain you for a longer period of time, a day, a month but at some point the loss will hit at the correct odds to take back any winnings.

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Re: Are Ex games rigged?
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jun 2014, 00:49 »
Same here. Just make sure to download history as in everyday. You should be fine.
Gambling is a lifestyle.

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Re: Are Ex games rigged?
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jun 2014, 11:11 »
Hello friends!
i talked to live chat ,and they said to me that the ex games is fair and regulated!
and ok !of course! lol
then i went to baccarat and saw the scorebord and saw 9x player 2x banker and 9x player again!
its lke playing bullseye roulette and saw 9x black 2x red then 9x black again!
i played live roullete ,never saw this!
i saw in live roulette 2x 0 came up but one in 10 000 plays possible!
Its rigged for sure!
soon or later will kill any stategy!
thanks for your comments, friends!

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Re: Are Ex games rigged?
« Reply #4 on: 14 Dec 2015, 03:34 »

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Re: Are Ex games rigged?
« Reply #5 on: 14 Dec 2015, 17:43 »
...what do you mean?

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Re: Are Ex games rigged?
« Reply #6 on: 16 Dec 2015, 16:04 »

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Re: Are Ex games rigged?
« Reply #7 on: 05 Feb 2016, 13:45 »
It is hard to believe Betfair would rig the exchange games but the amount of anecdotal evidence is overwhelming.
I thought I had spotted something in one of the gamesso I paper traded for two hours a day for nearly two months winning every day. The FIRST time i played with real money I lost 10 even money bets in a row.
1023 -1 . Bad luck?

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Re: Are Ex games rigged?
« Reply #8 on: 19 Feb 2016, 04:50 »
Hi there. In my opinion... exchange games are completely random and heres why

>>>When people start to win they say "great my system is working"
>>>Then sure enough if you play for LONG enough a string of unwelcome code comes along and puff! chunk of profits are lost!... and then people start to blame betfair for producing cheating code.

So this is all a balance of liabilities: Do you keep playing in order to gain more profit? VS Run the risk of encountering a bad string of code? ... in other words, its called being lucky!

Baccarat 9xP / 2xB / 9xP
Roulette 9xB / 2xR / 9xB
Roulette 2xZero’s together, came up but one in 10 000 plays
I played live roullete, never saw this!

Im sorry to disagree with you sujix... i have witnessed this both in online games and live table games. Just recently played a Live roulette game where is saw 26 reds in a row!. As for zeros appearing next to each other ive seen this twice turn up in the same hour. Its just how the game roles out.

Think of it this way. If betfair wasn’t completely random, then it would be crackable wouldnt it... meaning a gambling system would work on it. Using xfeeder or market feeder we are all pursuing something that works... or at least works regularly enough to feel like it winning more than its losing. Some days i feel like ive found something, mostly i haven’t. But thats part of the enjoyment, the researching and discovering things.

... id be surprised if someone can prove Betfair creates malicious code at inappropriate times. They’d be such a stink if there was. Im sure eveyone have a "story" to tell, but no proof. Now binary options... well thats another story.

btw... if someone can post images of proof of betfair being a scam that would be interesting.

You might have figured this out... and its why i no longer play roulette. Its all smoke and mirrors, pure Illusion!. Sure to the observer, placing money out on the board hoping to cover as much landscape as possible and still get a return seems intuitively like the correct thing to do right. BUT every spin of the roulette wheel is a completely random event!. It has no memory. This means that number 13 has just as much chance of winning than does 36 and so on. And no amount of covering the board will negate this fact. This is actually a win/lose scenario. Otherwise it would have been cracked by now. The only way to play roulette i feel is to have a job, spend £20 of play money on one spin of the wheel and either A: walk out and have £20+20 to spend B: lose and huff.

1.   Plan on how long to play for, in the hopes that you can step away with some profit.
2.   Sticking to a strict staking plan and do not chase loses above your planned amount.
3.   Exiting the game when your profit goal is reached for the day.
... sounds simple, but most dont stick to this.

BINARY OPTIONS (just useful info, my opinion)
“Gambling” on the stock market going up and down. These are MOSTLY ALL complete scams! these crooks often operate their companies from countries with less gambling laws. They WILL pause your game mid flow at inappropriate times, your connect will time out, just when trying to recoup a big loss. This is intended. They are NOT real stock market trend lines. Only way to profit from the sotck market is from buying “penny shares” and going through a legit brokerage paying a no more than £8 per transaction... or buying stocks and sitting on them for a year in the hopes of “high dividend yield”.  Chasing the stock market and trading, using indicators for trend lines is out of the scope of home person unless you have 50k to play with.

All the best, be well

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Re: Are Ex games rigged?
« Reply #9 on: 01 Oct 2017, 09:43 »
I've had my doubts about Ex Games but things that you guys are saying in this thread make sense. Still, not sure I'd wanna get into it tbh.


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