Author Topic: Bacarat Laying  (Read 15372 times)

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Bacarat Laying
« on: 10 Feb 2014, 23:37 »
All I want to do is this :- When a tie wins in Bacarat, Lay the Tie on the next hand . How do I set it up ?

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Re: Bacarat Laying
« Reply #1 on: 19 Aug 2014, 18:38 »
All I want to do is this :- When a tie wins in Bacarat, Lay the Tie on the next hand . How do I set it up ?

It wouldn't matter as I have seen the tie come up 12 times in a row on Baccarat exchange games. I am not saying its fixed and that could happen in a real life games i guess but the odds on that happening must be 99999999 to 1.


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