Hi all,
I know this has been discussed a couple of times on the forum but those posts are a bit old now, so I thought I'd conduct a new, brief opinion poll/survey.
With TimeMachine, it is a straightforward task to prove the effectiveness of an exchange games strategy (apart from the tricky issue of having to assume cash will be available on the exchange to match any large bets the system might need to place). I have experimented with many strategy variations, running TimeMachine for thousands of rounds, and I am yet to achieve a scenario where my strategies have either eliminated/reduced all big losing spikes, or have maintained reasonable betting stakes to recover positions.
Without necessarily revealing your strategies, can anybody actually report they have developed (or even bought) a reliable method of getting consistent positive returns on exchange games, which has been proven with TimeMachine over, say, 6 to 12 months?
Looking forward to your replies!