Author Topic: Further to cannot a get a trigger from the support team  (Read 11566 times)

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  • Posts: 13
Hello folks.
I am posting this because I cannot get the support team to read any emails I send to them.
The last post I put here was read my Tim from the support team and it seems the only way that I can get an email read is to post it here.
Anyway, I sent 2 emails through the support page of XFeeder on 23rd June to request help with a trigger.
Sent 1 email on 28th June.
Got a reply from Tim on 8th July he said my emails went to Spam.
Sent 2 emails on 19 July.
So Tim, if you are reading this can you help me further, I am still looking for help with a trigger.
Maybe all of my emails have went to your Spam box.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE