Author Topic: Minimum bet size  (Read 12248 times)

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Minimum bet size
« on: 26 Jun 2014, 15:50 »
Hi guys

I use x-feeder to test strategies and wondered why the minimum bet size has not been set to £1 it is still at £2, I have downloaded and am running the latest version as I did have an older version.

  • Tim Vetrov
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  • Posts: 4889
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Re: Minimum bet size
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jun 2014, 18:31 »
Unfortunately these changes require program update.
Going to do so soon.
Proud to be 🇺🇦
I'm happy to help Monday - Friday, 08:00-18:00 GMT
Буду рад помочь с понедельника по пятницу, 08:00-18:00 GMT


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