Author Topic: Profits Possible  (Read 14529 times)

  • Élite
  • Posts: 431
Profits Possible
« on: 16 Jan 2015, 07:43 »
I have never used X-feeder or played casino games.  I am doing ok with MarketFeeder on horses.

Just having a quick look on the Betfair site at Blackjack, but surely there is no edge to be found on card games - if there was would Betfair not have closed it out? (I am talking about Blackjack - I realise poker has some skill/strategy attached).

If it is a pure game of chance presumably with some house edge (like 0 in roulette) how can you win?

In blackjack card counting gives an edge I understand but does Betfair play with a fixed shoe (if so how many cards and how often is it changed)?  I would think not.

Therefore - (and advice welcome) my question is does anyone here make regular and consistent profits from X-feeder ?  (I am not asking how, although that would be nice to know as well  :))

Anyway, good luck to all.

  • All members
  • Posts: 104
Re: Profits Possible
« Reply #1 on: 16 Jan 2015, 08:46 »
I have never used X-feeder or played casino games.  I am doing ok with MarketFeeder on horses.

Just having a quick look on the Betfair site at Blackjack, but surely there is no edge to be found on card games - if there was would Betfair not have closed it out? (I am talking about Blackjack - I realise poker has some skill/strategy attached).

If it is a pure game of chance presumably with some house edge (like 0 in roulette) how can you win?

In blackjack card counting gives an edge I understand but does Betfair play with a fixed shoe (if so how many cards and how often is it changed)?  I would think not.

Therefore - (and advice welcome) my question is does anyone here make regular and consistent profits from X-feeder ?  (I am not asking how, although that would be nice to know as well  :))

Anyway, good luck to all.

look look _


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE