My faith in these games was all but lost even prior to the availability of Time Machine! I won a fair amount playing a strategy in Poker but this soon reversed & I started to lose using the same strategy. Fortunately I stopped playing before I lost all my profits! Since then I have had some wins but am not confident enough to play regularly. I am finding it hard to be convinced that it is possible to be a long-term winner & I just wish someone could show me how they manage to do it.
Back to the matter in hand: One thing I think would be useful, would be if the P/L charts could somehow show a breakdown of the time. For example, I would like to be able to look at the chart after a few hours play & know precisely when the ebbs & flows occurred, in order to work to your idea that certain times may be more profitable than others. I could then concentrate more on specific time frames in my testing & ignore those times which appeared to be unprofitable.
As a separate issue, I think it would be great if you could hover over the Win & Loss markers in the W/L/X section to the right of the screen & know how much each loss or win was for. Not essential by any means but I just feel would be useful.
I cannot really comment on glitches/bugs in the Time Machine as I already suffer from these in X-Feeder, so problems I'm experiencing (one example being the P/L of games played after changing the date of the data used, do not update in my win/financial info on screen, until I come out of & reload X Feeder) probably do not affect others & it's just my PC! I've contacted you regarding these problems & have tried to resolve them using your advice but regardless of the version used, I am still blighted with issues.

However I think the Time Machine will prove to be an excellent & interesting addition to X Feeder.
Please let me know if you have any queries!