Author Topic: Should we lose faith in X Games now that Time Machine is available?  (Read 10325 times)

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I've noticed that after we've introduced the P/L graphs and trends, people immediately started sharing their charts with sad comments such as "Can't you see that the line inevitably goes down no matter what measures I take? It's all fixed!!!".

Now that Time Machine is there, you can run 600 games in 2 minutes and see how your strategy is doing in a comparatively long run.

Is there any reason to give up on the games? To be honest, this was my first thought when I've launched the Machine for the first time.

But then I started noticing certain regularity in the way my P/L increased or descreased, depending on the time of the day. Of course it was different for each particular trigger.

So I invite you to discuss the following theorem:

If you start and end your trading at certain time (the most important thing is to STOP no matter what your current P/L is) every day, your overall result will be positive.

Fingers crossed, but so far it seems to be true in my case. But I don't want to impose my opinion, it would be great to hear yours.
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My faith in these games was all but lost even prior to the availability of Time Machine! I won a fair amount playing a strategy in Poker but this soon reversed & I started to lose using the same strategy. Fortunately I stopped playing before I lost all my profits! Since then I have had some wins but am not confident enough to play regularly. I am finding it hard to be convinced that it is possible to be a long-term winner & I just wish someone could show me how they manage to do it.  ;)

Back to the matter in hand: One thing I think would be useful, would be if the P/L charts could somehow show a breakdown of the time. For example, I would like to be able to look at the chart after a few hours play & know precisely when the ebbs & flows occurred, in order to work to your idea that certain times may be more profitable than others. I could then concentrate more on specific time frames in my testing & ignore those times which appeared to be unprofitable.

As a separate issue, I think it would be great if you could hover over the Win & Loss markers in the W/L/X section to the right of the screen & know how much each loss or win was for. Not essential by any means but I just feel would be useful.

I cannot really comment on glitches/bugs in the Time Machine as I already suffer from these in X-Feeder, so problems I'm experiencing (one example being the P/L of games played after changing the date of the data used, do not update in my win/financial info on screen, until I come out of & reload X Feeder) probably do not affect others & it's just my PC! I've contacted you regarding these problems & have tried to resolve them using your advice but regardless of the version used, I am still blighted with issues.  ??? However I think the Time Machine will prove to be an excellent & interesting addition to X Feeder.

Please let me know if you have any queries!


  • Administrator
  • Posts: 8822
  • Gender: Female
Hello Christine,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I like the idea with the time labels on the chart, will certainly add it to the next update.

I didn't quie understand this one:

> As a separate issue, I think it would be great if you could hover over the Win & Loss
> markers in the W/L/X section to the right of the screen & know how much each loss or
> win was for.

If you go to "Betting Options" and check "Include profit/loss figures in the Win/Loss/Zero sequence", you will see the exact amounts you won or lost in each game.

Regarding the next one:

> one example being the P/L of games played after changing the date of the data
> used, do not update in my win/financial info on screen, until I come out of & reload
> X Feeder

I'm not sure how this can be the issue with the previous versions of X-Feeder, as you seem to refer to the Time Machine which was only released the day before yesterday (the part about changing the date of the data used). But actually we have quite the opposite feedback here:

They say: I've noticed that you can just load the next day, restart and the P/L data  continues from the previous day.

It's probably something that I did not understand from your post, so you could describe the particulars of your problem in an email addressed to [email protected], and we will do our best to help you.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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