Author Topic: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss  (Read 11904 times)

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Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« on: 07 Jan 2016, 21:36 »

Can you add a tick box or another method please, so that the software can be told to use 0 (zero) stake if recovering any loss. Just use the loss amount, or whatever portion your system is set to apply, as the stake. Especially when loss is recovered with lay bets. Then when loss is recovered, return to using the allocated stake amount.

This works very well with horses and greyhound system. Especially lay systems that have a high strike rate already.


  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #1 on: 08 Jan 2016, 07:34 »
The loss could be less than the minimum allowed (if your topic about X-Feeder).
Anyway it could be done with the following formula:
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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #2 on: 09 Jan 2016, 18:50 »
Hi, Thanks for replying.
Yes it is for x-feeder.

If there is a loss, then the loss itself will be more than the minimum required bet. I just want to use the loss as the stake, and not add the loss + and the usual stake, as that compounds the loss more quickly. I also want to limit the liab of any loss recovery to £10 in the code (as ticking the box in x-feeder to limit the liability just stops the bot), and I want it to continue betting with limited liability compounding and no default stake in that liability. I trust that makes sense?

Which field in x-feeder trigger would I put this in please? I have attached an image of some of my trigger so I can find out where to add it please?

Thank you, thank you , for your time and willingness to help! :o)

Have an enjoyable week.

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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jan 2016, 00:32 »
Which field in x-feeder trigger would I put this in please?

In the Amount field (for the lay-action).

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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #4 on: 10 Jan 2016, 01:38 »
If I put it in there it stops working.

Thanks anyway.

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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #5 on: 10 Jan 2016, 01:39 »
I am tryingIF((mytotal_pl + last_pl)*(lay_price - 1) < 10,(mytotal_pl + last_pl), IF((mytotal_pl + last_pl)*(lay_price - 1) > 10, 10/(lay_price - 1), last_lost))however it still doesn't seam to limit the liability to £10 or less, and now it ends up with a  -negative lay stake in the lay stake field.Please help!

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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #6 on: 10 Jan 2016, 08:34 »
If you use varibles in the IF-expression they need to be defined (and accurate IF-expression) to work properly.

Start simple maybe try: IF(last_lost*(lay_price-1)>10,2,last_lost)

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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #7 on: 10 Jan 2016, 19:43 »
Hi Thanks, I understand.

Can I ask what the 2 stands for in the string please?


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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #8 on: 10 Jan 2016, 20:43 »
last_lost*(lay_price-1) would be the liability and if that is grater than 10, then bet 2 else bet last_lost.

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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #9 on: 10 Jan 2016, 22:29 »
Ok, that's what I thought.

Thank you.

I am still baffled however about where to add this in, as adding it to the 'Lay' trigger 'Amount' field stop it working all together.

I want to buy this software, but if I can work out how to do these things, which should really be part of the program (If any loss to recover use '0' stake, and giving it a tick box to give it a maximum lay liab to bet to, but continue betting).

The need to do coding on every operation other than very basic elements would seam to only make it available to those who understand programming languages. I do to a degree, so if I am struggling to set up triggers what should be simple variables, other are going to see this as too complicated as well!

Thanks for your help though. I am still trying.


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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #10 on: 11 Jan 2016, 00:26 »
....sorry when last_lost=0 you would be betting zero. It's the same syntax as in a spreadsheet for the IF-satements.


the above will bet 2 units if last_lost is less then 2, otherwise it will bet last_lost if the liability is less than 10 otherwise 2.

The IF-statement should be in the amount-field.

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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #11 on: 11 Jan 2016, 12:25 »
Thanks, that makes more sense.

Also, is there any way to tell the code to only increase up to a 'maximum of' please? Like setting a    last_pl  max=(-10) or last_lost max=10

Is there a piece of software I can use that will check syntax for me and run through the if expressions, like excel does, so I can run through the expression and see the values as they would be generated please?

Thank you again for you kind help.

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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #12 on: 11 Jan 2016, 13:31 »
You can press the button "User varibles" and you will get a windows "view user variables" that is effective to verify syntax and also to check if a varible has been updated (or initiated). Just type the name of the variable, formula, IF-statment etc.

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Re: Use 0 (zero) Stake If Recovering Loss
« Reply #13 on: 13 Jan 2016, 12:07 »
Looks like I finally got the max lay liability to no more than 10 with

IF(default lay<10,default lay,IF(default lay >10,10,default lay))

as default lay is the created variable for the accumulation of the loss recovery. Just in case anyone else would like to try it.

Thank you for your help.

Are there any other poker strategies that you know work most of the time but could be tweeked or played with to try and get them more profitable please? Or indeed are there any other games that are profitable to trade with x-Feeder?


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