Author Topic: Volume level History for Poker  (Read 7123 times)

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Volume level History for Poker
« on: 21 Jan 2016, 18:37 »
It would be good to be able to see the 'volume' (Total Matched per game, back and lay) historically for each game. This way we can see what times of day as well as what volumes are best to take part in. I would assume that there are better times of day to play as once the public betting volume drops below a certain level, the computer market maker software would take over to give some liquidity, and then you would be playing against the Betfair computer, which needs to stay in profit.

I have noticed a strong pattern of losing runs during what would be dinner time, when many people would be eating and not playing, and at certain times of the night to volume is high and it gets good winning runs. I believe there is a correlation worth looking into.

With historical volume (Total Matched per Game) we could then correlate losing runs to quiet volume times and see if there are trends and times to avoid automated betting.

I hope this is of interest to more than just me.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE