Author Topic: SP prices in Time Machine  (Read 7722 times)

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SP prices in Time Machine
« on: 02 Aug 2015, 16:24 »

What can be done if in Time Machine SP price after mrkt turns In-Play is not shown?

I'm developing trigger and tried to use actual_sp value, however do to this issue in most markets it return 0.00.

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Re: SP prices in Time Machine
« Reply #1 on: 02 Aug 2015, 17:46 »
Hi Alex,

Could you please attach a screenshot of such market after it turned In-Play.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: SP prices in Time Machine
« Reply #2 on: 02 Aug 2015, 17:57 »
Hello Oxa and thank you for fast response,

I've uploaded video on my Google Drive.

There you will see that before mrkt turns In-Play all SP prices are available.

Best Regards,

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: SP prices in Time Machine
« Reply #3 on: 03 Aug 2015, 09:31 »
Fixed. Sorry for that.
Please re-download the market.
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