Author Topic: Time Machine speed / performance - any tips or advice?  (Read 11347 times)

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Hi all,

Does anybody have any tips, advice or guidance that they might have uncovered that will improve Time Machine speed/performance, particularly for Poker Turbo? I've done the following so far:
  • Disabled all logging for the most part (in the Settings and in the Triggers).
  • Closed the User Variables window.
  • Set the refresh rate to 3 (should this be more, or is it irrelevant..?).
  • Minimized the X-Feeder window (in case the small chart refresh and/or the W/L/Z Sequence window refresh affects speed).
...anything else (apart from throwing better hardware at it)..?

Testing for one month's worth of data starts off quite well (with about 10 games being processed every 2 seconds), but approaching and after about 10,000 games (half way through the month) the speed drops noticeably - it is almost an exponential drop.

Thanks in advance.

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Time Machine speed / performance - any tips or advice?
« Reply #1 on: 07 Jan 2017, 09:15 »
It's could be a problem with amount of memory used by X-Feeder.
The program keeps in memory all betting results (P/L) to draw the chart and calculate history related variables.
If you don't need to keep it so deep set to "reset total p/l" and/or "clear W/L/Z history" say once in 1000 games to clear the memory.
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Re: Time Machine speed / performance - any tips or advice?
« Reply #2 on: 08 Jan 2017, 09:30 »
Hi Tim,

Thanks for the reply. Is there any automated way I can instruct the "reset total p/l" and/or "clear W/L/Z history" after each 1000 (or 5000) games? Running 1000 games takes about 3 minutes or so starting from afresh on my i5 system, and as I am leaving Time Machine to run overnight to run tens of thousands of games, manually performing the reset/clear would not be practical.

I run Time Machine overnight, and typically the first 5000 games takes approximately 15 minutes. I would say the next 5000 takes around 1 hour, then the next 5000 takes maybe 2-3 hours, then the next 5000 takes 4-6 hours. It would be a shame to lose the history as I am interested in recording the amounts won/lost per game. These would be available from the logs but I have logging turned off to speed things up - I guess there's a trade off. An automated way to clear things out would be great though (even better if the P/L could still be recorded somewhere that wouldn't cause performance slowdown).

Thanks again.

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Time Machine speed / performance - any tips or advice?
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jan 2017, 09:35 »
Please find trigger attached as an example.
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Re: Time Machine speed / performance - any tips or advice?
« Reply #4 on: 10 Jan 2017, 17:56 »
Thanks Tim, and thanks for your time. That does clear the W/L/Z history after 1000 games, but it also clears the record of total won, therefore it is essentially the same as running dozens of stand-alone 1000 game tests rather than a cumulative progression of, say, 20,000 games. I'm after a solution that will at least keep a running record of the total won for the whole duration of the Time Machine data range selected. Is the only way around this perhaps to turn the logs on and then use an external application (e.g. Excel) to somehow construct the P/L history from what's in the logs?

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Time Machine speed / performance - any tips or advice?
« Reply #5 on: 10 Jan 2017, 18:41 »
You can keep any value in a user variable. Use Set user variable trigger action before reseting w/l history.
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Re: Time Machine speed / performance - any tips or advice?
« Reply #6 on: 10 Jan 2017, 20:35 »
Hi Tim,
OK - I'll go with the variable option as it sounds like this is the only solution. Ideally I would have liked to record the P/L for each game played, rather than have a single total, but that would require an array.

Incidentally, were you able to look at my question and my support ticket regarding the logic behind comparing the suits in poker of the 1st favourite, 2nd favourite, etc?


  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Time Machine speed / performance - any tips or advice?
« Reply #7 on: 10 Jan 2017, 20:48 »
I've answered there
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Re: Time Machine speed / performance - any tips or advice?
« Reply #8 on: 10 Jan 2017, 21:04 »
OK thank you.


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