Author Topic: HELP,winner strat...Back the wort hand for profit...  (Read 6856 times)

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I wonder if it is possible to make this poker strategy:

Back $ 100 (or any value) in the worst hand, and X-FEEDER equalize the other hands to zero profit (when this opportunity showed up). Something like this:

At any round (so the opportunity arises):

H1 - $ 100 bet worse odds: profit
H2 - equalized amount for- zero profit
H3 - equalized amount for- zero profit
H4 - equalized amount for- zero profit

All this in the same round, just back, the four hands, no lays, no trades.

... The x-feeder can automatically do this ?.... is there any trigger for it?

Thanks ....

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Re: winner strat...Back the wort hand for profit...
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2010, 17:10 »
Do you mean:
for example:

Back Highest odds hand in R2 - I wouldn't leave it any later than that because you would then only have one round to do a trade out.

If the odds fall in R3 then equalise profit across all hands.
If the odds increase in R3 then equalise loss across all hands.
Or if the odds increase in R3 do you want to wait until R4 to equalise profit/loss?

If you wait till R4 to equalise profit or loss, the hand you backed might have been eliminated.

The above can be done easily in x-feeder.
Just reply and I'll attach a trigger.

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Re: winner strat...Back the wort hand for profit...
« Reply #2 on: 27 Oct 2010, 21:41 »
Hello ... thanks for the reply rubold

Actually, my intention is not to make a trade ... it is simply waiting for the opportunity where the odds can accomplish this strategy. Bets would be made in the same round, the four hands in the same round ....( probably this type of betting has a name, but as I am new to betting, I do not know).
By studying the x-holdem, I realized that there are opportunities where the odds allow this type of strategy (perhaps, I may be wrong).
Basically, the strategy would be to bet, say $ 100, in the worst odds, and profit from this bet, would bet the other three hands (each amount, equalized for each hand) leaving each (3) hand with zero profit. It would be a kind of greebook, but only one hand would profit, the other would be zero. And of course, the profit would come when this hand (worst) win.
This can be done?

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Re: winner strat...Back the wort hand for profit...
« Reply #3 on: 27 Oct 2010, 23:13 »
This is not strictly profitable as the back book is always less than 100%.

You can't make something from nothing I'm afraid.  You might get a run of wins, but overall you would lose.  Unless you have seen something I haven't, but I doubt that.

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Re: winner strat...Back the wort hand for profit...
« Reply #4 on: 28 Oct 2010, 02:33 »
I'll try to explain by giving you an example .... these odds were taken from a game on x-holdem, a real game.

H1 - 8.75
H2 - 1:47
H3 - 7.3
H4 - 12.3

ok ... if I bet $ 100 on the worst hand (4), this will give $ 1,130 profit. Then distribute that profit in the other three hands, so they are with zero profit. That is, with the worst hand of profit, just cover the losses of the other three. The strategy would only be applied when there are profits for the worst hand after this equalization. I couldnt find any strategy that fits these conditions on the Internet, to explain what I want. This is not dutching or Greenup or draw no bet, so it's so hard to explain. But I think that would be it.

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Re: winner strat...Back the wort hand for profit...
« Reply #5 on: 28 Oct 2010, 03:08 »
one more thing .... if this estrtegia work, there would be no way to lose money because the stakes would be made only when the aportunidade appeared, and the strategy itself has no losses.

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: HELP,winner strat...Back the wort hand for profit...
« Reply #6 on: 29 Oct 2010, 17:56 »
To distribute profit you need the price moving down.
It happens not really often for the losers.
To be honest the "distribute profit" action is "green up" ;)

Could you please explain how you see the distributing profit in your example.

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