Author Topic: Can you help me with a confition to my trigger (poker)  (Read 4617 times)

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I am looking to fix some conditions for my trigger and  I hope somebody can help me , please.
So, I try to create a condition for trigger to bet back/lay for the hand with the maximum consecutive losses. I tried to set condition "Hand 1 consecutive losses is the maximum/maximum overall" but the trigger bet every time Hand 1 or other hand.
For. ex: Hand 1 has 7 consectuve losses, and other hand have less (4,2 and 0). I want, that trigger to bet for Hand 1.

Another condition, that I am looking is: How to fix another condition to bet back (in round 3 = Flop) on the hand that has TWO PAIR, and other hands don't have ONE/TWO PAIR, INCOMPLETE STRAIGHT/FLUSH.
I tried to set condition :
AND " Hand 1 cards contain values TWO PAIRS"
AND "All other selections' cards do not contain values ONE PAIR"
AND "All other selections' cards do not contain values TWO PAIR"
AND "All other selections' cards do not contain value, INCOMPLETE STRAIGHT"
AND "All other selections' cards do not contain values INCOMPLETE FLUSH"
,but the trigger is not working how I want, sometime it's betting back for Hand with TWO PAIRS even if other hand have ONE PAIR or  INCOMPLETE FLUSH, or in the moment when in round 3 one hand have TWO PAIR and other hands have nothing, the trigger is not betting.

Thank you for your time and help!

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Re: Can you help me with a confition to my trigger (poker)
« Reply #1 on: 23 Aug 2016, 17:58 »
OK, instead of specifying Hand 1, you should use First matching Selection (in the selection box) and then in conditions:

Any Selections Consecutive losses is the maximum overall

Same for your other trigger:

First Matching Selection

Any Selections Cards contain values Two Pair
other conditions as you have written

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Re: Can you help me with a confition to my trigger (poker)
« Reply #2 on: 24 Aug 2016, 10:36 »

It's working! Thank you and have a nice week!!! 8)

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Re: Can you help me with a confition to my trigger (poker)
« Reply #3 on: 28 Aug 2016, 00:18 »

I observe that many times that the hand which is favorite in round 2 lose at the end of the game.How to create a trigger which will account how many times the favorite hand from the round 2 will lose at the end of the game (doesn't  matter which hand is favorite)?

For exemple!
1st game - in round 2 the favorite is Hand 3 , winner is -Hand 2
2nd game - in round 2 the favorite is Hand 3 , winner is -Hand 1
3rd game - in round 2 the favorite is Hand 4, winner is -Hand 3
4th game - in round 2 the favorite is Hand 2, winner is -Hand 4
5th game - in round 2 the favorite is Hand 1 , winner is -Hand 4, after 5 games the hand which was favorite in round 2 didn't win at the end of the game. After this situation , in the 6th game the trigger will back on favorite hand in round 2.

Thank you for your help and time!
Have a nice day!

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Re: Can you help me with a confition to my trigger (poker)
« Reply #4 on: 29 Aug 2016, 18:11 »
It is possible to write a trigger to do this type of strategy, it can be quite tricky due to the restrictions of the trigger expressions. You can setup user variables for each hand, setting these variables to values if they are the favourite in round 2 and then another if it then wins. Another variable can be used to count how many times this doesn't happen, number of time favourite doesn't win.

I ran a quick test using your strategy and the graph shows the results for a 6 day run using time machine.
3975 games, 33 wins and 53 losses, with a flat 2.50 to win stake an overall loss of 7.77.
Loss recovery would be quite simple but with losing runs of 7, and I suspect could easily be more, and low back odds this could quickly eat up a small bank.
Out of interest the max number of losses on this test run was 13, so sequential backing until a win would also require a large bank and high risk of a long losing run.


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