Author Topic: Percentage Profit (Profit %) for Green-up  (Read 4050 times)

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Percentage Profit (Profit %) for Green-up
« on: 01 Jan 2016, 03:07 »

Can anyone advise plesse?

In Green-up for lay system, I am telling it to green up in cycle 2 or 3 when a profit of 100% is possible by hedging (or closing) out with a back bet, which should mean it can't back under say 8 (for my example).

I set it to 100%, but it still just greens up no matter how low the odds are, as long as there is a profit to be made according to the original green-up settings.

I want to make it only green a selection if it is at odds of 8 or over, so the back stake is lower.

I have tried setting condition over 8 and under 12, but it seams to ignore these as well.

How do I get this Profit % element of the trigger to work please, and limit back bets to between 8 and 12 please?

Can someone please help!!!

Have a great 2016.


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Re: Percentage Profit (Profit %) for Green-up
« Reply #1 on: 01 Jan 2016, 19:44 »
Not sure what you mean by cycle 2 or 3, but if you are referring to a MarketFeeder greening up trigger it should be straightforward.

Please see the attached screenshot:
set the percentage profit as shown (the percentage is according to your stake, so if you are laying £10 100% profit is £10, 50% profit is £5 etc.)
you should not need the condition because the trigger will wait for the correct % profit before greening up, but I've put it in the screenshot for your reference.

If you are using triggers for greening up, please make sure auto-greenup is switched off.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Percentage Profit (Profit %) for Green-up
« Reply #2 on: 01 Jan 2016, 22:51 »
Sorry, I forgot to mention that it is for Turbo Poker with X-Feeder.

I have done all that and it simply seams to ignore the % and back greens as long as it higher than the lay stake it started with on 'suitable selection'.

Thank you for being willing to reply.

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Re: Percentage Profit (Profit %) for Green-up
« Reply #3 on: 02 Jan 2016, 23:04 »
What else should I look at doing please?

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Re: Percentage Profit (Profit %) for Green-up
« Reply #4 on: 03 Jan 2016, 19:54 »
I'm afraid I am not familiar with X-Feeder, but I've just had a quick look at the manual and I would say that Automated Green-up is switched on in your settings and this may be overriding the green-up trigger percentage. Your trigger logs should confirm what caused the green-up to be executed.

Also you mention greening-up at 100% profit. On a lay bet I would imagine you can't green-up at 100% profit, because 100% profit is your total lay stake, effectively you are expecting the lay bet to win outright with no greening. Hope this makes sense.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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