  • #1 by Delgadinho on 12 May 2012
  • Hello

    Is it possible to create a trigger where a condition allows the bet to be unplaced when there are joint second or joint third favourites in poker?

    And also, another one, to skip the bet if the second or third favourite or probable loser got the highest card of all hands.

    Thanks in advance.
  • #2 by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 14 May 2012
  • 1. Trigger Expression IF( OR (h_3_back_price = h_4_back_price,h_2_back_price = h_3_back_price),1,0) is equal to 0

    2. AND Second Favourite's Highest card is not the maximum
    AND Third Favourite's Highest card is not the maximum
    AND Probably loser's Highest card is not the maximum