Author Topic: laying pairs where 3 or 4 of the same denomination are dealt in round 1  (Read 4194 times)

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i have an idea for a trigger and would like some help if possible. I am thinking of laying a hand in round 1 that has been dealt a pair (say under 6). The caveat to laying is that the other hands must contain at least one or preferably both of the remaining 2 cards of the same denomination.

obviously i understand that the chances of this happening and thus a bet occuring will be few and far between but with 24x7 operation is was wondering of it would make a small profit.

how would i got about doing a trigger for this? am totally new to x-feeder and so apologies if this is a silly question!


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Lay all selections conditions met

Any selection card_1 is equal or less 6
Selections card_2 is equal card_1
Any other selections Cards contain value Card_1

That may be close to what your looking for
Generally these things takes a few attemps to perfect



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sorry for the delay in getting back to you Gerry. Thanks for your answer. Can i just ask what you mean by "Card_1" - is that a variable i have to assign or an in-built value?


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Yes card_1 is a floating varibale to denote the highest card of your two cards in poker

card_2 is the lowest of your two cards

If card -! = card_2 you have a pair

etc etc etc

Its like peeling an onion sometimes

Good Luck


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  • Posts: 7
Sorry I see your confusion

In conditions met
Trigger expression Card_1 is equal or.................. etc



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