Author Topic: Limiting Liability with Loss Recovery  (Read 2814 times)

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Limiting Liability with Loss Recovery
« on: 04 Jan 2016, 18:16 »
I am attempting to set a limit on how high the liability of a loss recovery system can go. I have set the 'Limit the liability of any bet to ?', but what I find is that once the liab of a bet gets to this point, it just stops the trigger working and the betting stops. Ideally I would rather have it just not increase the liab any more and allow this to be a limiting feature rather than a dead stop feature. It already has a 'stop at a loss level' feature.

Is there a way to limit the liability used (but allow the strategy to continue at that liab level) in the trigger settings please?

I have received this code, however, which field do I add this code into, to restrict lay price loss recovery amount from going over £10 please?

IF((mytotal_pl + last_pl)*(lay_price - 1) > 10, 10/(lay_price - 1), mytotal_pl + last_pl)

Thank you for your time in advance.


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