Author Topic: Need help TRIGGER ON BACARAT  (Read 2521 times)

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« on: 26 Mar 2013, 20:07 »
Hello guys,
here you have my question:
I´m trying to build a complex trigger, better it´s not so complicate, but it is for me!

I´m trying to bet on different sections: example
1st trigger
Bet 4 usd when player consecutives losses is greater than 5 and moltiplicate the loseses x 2 (back_size * (2.00^consec_losses)
2nd trigger
Bet 4 usd when TIE consecutives losses is greater than 30 and moltiplicate the loseses x 1.25 (back_size * (1.25^consec_losses)

and so on with other 3 o 4 triggers.

The problem is that when 2 or more different sections are working the bet will be crazy! If one section is loosing or betting mopre, also another section (who is betting or loosin less) do the same bet!!

What I have to do?
I´m att. my trigger.
Thanks for you help


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