Author Topic: please help, is this easy to do?  (Read 8855 times)

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please help, is this easy to do?
« on: 19 Sep 2023, 22:58 »
Hi all, i have been trying to manually placing bets into the goal markets but the time it takes is overwhelming (to do it for all games)
So what im wondering/asking.. is, is it possible to have a trigger that...

places a back bet on the current goal market 0-0 = over 0.5 even if 6 goals scored for it to place a back bet on over 6.5
but the true important thing is for it to only place the back bet and trigger at odds of 1.51

so current goal market for the next goal and to only trigger to place it when odds hit 1.51 and nothing else.. just for a trigger to bet on next goal at odds of 1.51 then stop
i dont want it to carry on placing next goal into the 80th min if a goal is scored kinda situation. 

is this already available? if not how easy is it to make? I'd consider renewing my subscription if i could have this trigger work properly. as I think it can be profitable.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE