  • #1 by dannydon on 13 Sep 2010
  • I have created a lay trigger for poker, however, I do not want xfeeder to make a lay bet if any of the cards have the same lay odds, for example, no bet if the odds for card 1 is 13.36 and card 4 is 13.36.

    Can you help please.

  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 13 Sep 2010
  • If you don't want to lay on a hand if any other hand has the same odds as the one you're laying on, it's simple. Just add the following condition:

    and All Other Selections' Lay Price is outside lay_price - 0.05 and lay_price + 0.05.

    If you don't want to lay if any two of the four hands have the same odds, regardless of whether you are laying on them or not, you need to use the attached trigger. You need to lay only if the user variable can_lay in the file is equal to 1. Attention: set the second trigger's round to the round in which you are laying.