Author Topic: redding up when it goes wrong  (Read 3564 times)

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redding up when it goes wrong
« on: 21 Feb 2011, 20:39 »
I have wrote a trigger for card derby to place lay bet at specified odds in round one then green up on the next round, however what i am struggling with is I want it to "red up" and get out of the trade if the odds have moved against me by 50% since the lay.

example 1

1. lay placed in round one
2.odds have gone against me by 10 % - continue to play
3. odds have gone against me 30 % - continue to play
4. odds swing back into favor - green up

Example 2

1. lay placed in round one
2. odds move in my favor - green up

Example 3

1. lay in round one
2. odds go against me 50 % - red up (spread loss)

I hope this explains what i am trying to do, I have the initial bet trigger and the green up, its the spread loss (red up) if the odds have drifted by a certain % that i am struggling with..



  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: redding up when it goes wrong
« Reply #1 on: 21 Feb 2011, 23:22 »
See attached trigger as an example.
By the way all odds are known in the first round...
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