Author Topic: Smart/ dynamic trigger  (Read 2624 times)

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Smart/ dynamic trigger
« on: 22 Mar 2014, 17:45 »

I need some help, I would like to some special trigger.

1-Betting 1 cent in determinated selection. Which I can do that.

2- Then I would like the trigger to calculate the follow: number of losses / by the total runs, If that results its over X value, bet another amout different than the first 1 cent.

3- If the X value (number of L/total runs) still over X then bet 2 different amounts than before.

4- If the X value (number of L/ total runs) is under X, bet 1 cent again like the beginning

Someone could help how I would do the fraction (number of losses/total bets) ??

Thank you


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