Author Topic: Trigger for X-Feeder  (Read 7135 times)

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Trigger for X-Feeder
« on: 27 Feb 2011, 10:34 »

my name is Sina from Germany and my english is not so good. Now i have a account on betfair an search a chance to make everday small but good money on a automatic way.
So i have found x-feeder. Now i search on a good trigger what can make daily small good money..and with not the risk to loss the bank. My bank is 300 pounds in the moment.

Can you help me or can you give me a trigger what is good to play and good for my bank.

I hope you can my english unterstand and have mambe help for me.

Best Regards

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Re: Trigger for X-Feeder
« Reply #1 on: 28 Feb 2011, 17:27 »
Hi Sina.

It's not easy to achieve what you want. I have been trying triggers since last weeks and it's very difficult to win money with no risk.

I have created triggers which in one day won in test mode 11.000 € starting with 1.000 € in bank, but the next day it done big losses.

So the trip is how manage losses and how you can recover that lost money.

At the moment I have no found a trigger which allows to win money with risk 0, although it is small quantities, so remember, the trip is how you manage the losses and you strategy for recover lost cash.


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Re: Trigger for X-Feeder
« Reply #2 on: 28 Feb 2011, 19:34 »
Thank you for your answer.
Yes its not so easy, but i search not a trigger with no risk. Have you triggers what can i test...then you have for me...this was great

best regards


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