Author Topic: Why doesn't this trigger work?  (Read 5025 times)

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Why doesn't this trigger work?
« on: 14 Feb 2012, 23:56 »
Trying to make a trigger to lay bet on card 6 (settled for "third favourite because couldn't figure out how to get card 6) whenever an ace or 2 is drawn at the start. Please tell me what's wrong with this setting shown in the image.




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Re: Why doesn't this trigger work?
« Reply #1 on: 15 Feb 2012, 08:53 »
Well you can't expect to start using the free lite version and become an instant expert on writing triggers - there is a bit of a learning curve to get through.  The program is completely developed and will do almost anything you can think of.

1.  You don't need any favourite above 3rd, because you can enter Card 6 or further in the selections box.

2.  In your conditions use the following:
HiLo Last Card is in list A, 2

3. Add another trigger:
Default Lay
All HiLo - Main Bets
First Matching Selection
Exactly in Round 3

Any selections matched lay is greater than 0

Also run it at first with the back trigger disabled, to see how many hits you get.  I don't think that laying first will achieve much as the price of the selection will tend to drop as the game progresses.

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Re: Why doesn't this trigger work?
« Reply #2 on: 15 Feb 2012, 13:25 »

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Re: Why doesn't this trigger work?
« Reply #3 on: 15 Feb 2012, 13:59 »
I didn't tell you to put A or 2 in the selections box - I said you can enter "Card 6 or further" in the selections box.  It really is very simple see attached screenshot.  

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Re: Why doesn't this trigger work?
« Reply #4 on: 15 Feb 2012, 21:03 »
Hate to be a bother but how exactly did you do that? 

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Re: Why doesn't this trigger work?
« Reply #5 on: 15 Feb 2012, 21:08 »
Sorry mate, I can't help you any more.  I suggest you contact [email protected] as there must be something wrong with your program installation.

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Re: Why doesn't this trigger work?
« Reply #6 on: 15 Feb 2012, 21:12 »
Okay, thanks then.

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Re: Why doesn't this trigger work?
« Reply #7 on: 16 Feb 2012, 11:44 »
I got it working now. Glad you were around to help. As I suspected, no profit is made. It's actually impossible to profit from X-games no matter what the betting pattern. Nobody is going to match a bet that's not the true odds (with a small overround), especially when it's mostly bots playing. X-Feeder is certainly good for proving that point. It's also good if you want to throw your money away on commissions and overrounds automatically, instead of actually wasting effort doing it manually. I guess it's back to Geek's Toy for actually doing something which MIGHT render a profit of some kind. Good program to play around with though. Glad there was a free version available because I wouldn't have wanted to actually spend money to prove it's impossible to profit from X-games.


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