Author Topic: winning trigger?!  (Read 31608 times)

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Re: winning trigger?!
« Reply #15 on: 14 Jul 2010, 21:08 »
must agree with that  ;)

I have just finished a 10 day tryout with time machine and that strategy with a  trigger that has a variable called balance and it should be just like switching test mode on and off, the variable adds money to the "balance" variable depending on the trend, when you tell it to.
The original trigger was back fav and second fav in poker, and i only added that variable thing.

So i have 650 EUR right now....this in test mode.

I will keep up and see what a whole month looks like  ::)

saludos :D

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Re: winning trigger?!
« Reply #16 on: 30 Jul 2010, 00:17 »
I have long thought that BF games is controlled by a smart AI Bot and it learns from your bets what stategy you are using and then stuffs you. 

I am sure many people have noticed that you can win for a while at the beginning of a session and then you start to lose over and over again.

The way to beat it is to have several stategies and keep switching form one to another, and play in short bursts, a few hands  and out.

Certainly the games are not straight and neither is the casino, you only need to play roulette on there for a while and you can see that the results are not natural. You will often see numbers doubled up, sometimes trebled. This kills the old system of covering every number but the last one, this shifts the odds slightly in your favor, but of course if the same number comes up again then you lose all your stakes.

On a true roulette wheel you occasionally see a number come up twice in a row, but not too often.  On BF roulet you see it every couple of minutes.


Thats all you can say.


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Re: winning trigger?!
« Reply #17 on: 30 Jul 2010, 14:50 »
Yes, why would Betfair want to screw you? The more money you win means more money for them.

First of all, you're not mainly betting against other players but you're playing against third-party robots who knows how the games are exactly programmed and they pay commision to Betfair.

You don't seriously think Betfair will allow normal players to rob companies behind these robots.
This would cause Betfair to money, because they wouldn't keep their robots on Betfair if they didn't made a good profit.

Second, Betfair has it's own robot betting on the games, I don't know if I'm old school but that's
proof for me that the games are not 100% random.

If that sort of thing was going on they would have been shut down years ago.

You need to take some anti-conspiracy theory pills and take the tin-foil hat off.

You speak of proof but you have offered none whatsoever, only hearsay and speculation.
[/quotWell the proof is easy to obtain, just sit and watch for a while. Anyone, no matter how trusting can see that the games are not giving true and random results. How would they get closed down, the games are basedm in Malta, not the UK. They will never get closed down.


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Re: winning trigger?!
« Reply #18 on: 30 Jul 2010, 14:53 »
Yes, why would Betfair want to screw you? The more money you win means more money for them.

First of all, you're not mainly betting against other players but you're playing against third-party robots who knows how the games are exactly programmed and they pay commision to Betfair.

You don't seriously think Betfair will allow normal players to rob companies behind these robots.
This would cause Betfair to money, because they wouldn't keep their robots on Betfair if they didn't made a good profit.

Second, Betfair has it's own robot betting on the games, I don't know if I'm old school but that's
proof for me that the games are not 100% random.

If that sort of thing was going on they would have been shut down years ago.

You need to take some anti-conspiracy theory pills and take the tin-foil hat off.

You speak of proof but you have offered none whatsoever, only hearsay and speculation.
How would they get closed down,, the games are based in malta, why??? Because they wont get closed down in Malta. Simples.

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Re: winning trigger?!
« Reply #19 on: 16 Aug 2010, 00:12 »
I hope this book may shed some light on the topic:

newbielink: [nonactive]

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Re: winning trigger?!
« Reply #20 on: 21 Aug 2010, 19:59 »
I don't think a 24/7 winning trigger is possible as the book is never 100% (fair value) and add to that commission, all triggers run all day and night will start showing loses in 2-3 days.

With that said, I am a not guru and I have been wrong on other things before.
Fortune favors the brave!

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Re: winning trigger?!
« Reply #21 on: 23 May 2011, 13:13 »
I' m from germany so sorry for thebad english. I tried the test mode for a night and had a nice profit. Today i tried the hole thing in live mode and lost. Does anyone really wins in long term ? With stopping after a few hands and starting the programm some hours later?


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